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Jacob Lenn

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About Jacob Lenn

  • Birthday 25/12/1997


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    Master of myself
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  • Interests
    Scripting, e-sport

Jacob Lenn's Achievements


Snitch (10/54)



  1. Jacob Lenn


    I'm not sure why in every 30 seconds u destroy blip.
  2. Jacob Lenn


    I made this local blip = { } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) if ( not isElement ( blip [ source ] ) ) then blip [ source ] = createBlipAttachedTo ( source ) end local theTeam = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if ( not theTeam ) then return end local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( theTeam ) setPlayerNametagColor ( source, r, g, b ) setBlipColor ( blip [ source ], r, g, b, 255 ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do if ( not isElement ( blip [ v ] ) ) then blip [ v ] = createBlipAttachedTo ( v ) end local theTeam = getPlayerTeam ( v ) if (not theTeam) then return end local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( theTeam ) setPlayerNametagColor ( v, r, g, b ) setBlipColor ( blip [ v ], r, g, b, 255 ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) if isElement ( blip [ source ] ) then destroyElement ( blip [ source ] ) end end ) But it doesnt work for me.
  3. Jacob Lenn


    Hello i wanna create blips with color like palyer's nametag color. And i wanna make police invisible. I made some codes but it didn't work anyway and i'm pretty sure that i'm making it in bad way.
  4. I have this: function randomMarker () local markers = xmlLoadFile("zaladunki.xml") if markers then local childs = xmlNodeGetChildren(markers) for k,v in ipairs (childs) do -- what shud i put here? end end end
  5. XML: <zaladunki> <marker x="-1707.185546875" y="12.604281425476" z="3.5546875" type="cylinder" size="3" r="255" g="255" b="255" a="170" /> <marker x="158.99987792969" y="-22.182670593262" z=" 1.578125" type="cylinder" size="3" r="255" g="255" b="255" a="170" /> </zaladunki> How can i get random marker from this?
  6. Resolved. I found this: function sec2min(sSeconds) local nSeconds = tonumber(sSeconds) if nSeconds == 0 then --return nil; return "00:00"; else nHours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds/3600)); nMins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds/60 - (nHours*60))); nSecs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds - nHours*3600 - nMins *60)); return nMins..":"..nSecs end end
  7. Hello. How can i replace dot (".") with ":"? String.gsub doesn't work to me. I converted sec to minutes and i have sth like 1.23 and i want 1:23. Hope u can help me.
  8. Jacob Lenn


    Wow ur da best. U only missed 1 thing. Here local numSpaces = math.floor ((gridListColumnWidth-textWidth)/2)/spaceWidth); Correct local numSpaces = math.floor (((gridListColumnWidth-textWidth)/2)/spaceWidth);
  9. Jacob Lenn


    What about center row's text?
  10. Jacob Lenn


    K thanks. And now how can i do gridlist without moving this bar below? Image: http://snag.gy/MP6fq.jpg
  11. Jacob Lenn


    <towary> <item name="Item 1" cash="100" score="0" /> <item name="Item 2" cash="100" score="0" /> </towary> That's my XML file and how i can download all of these items and put them in girdlist? I know about triggering but i don't really know how XML function works. If someone be nice and can tell me how it works i will be happy.
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