I'd like to show you project called "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Rise of Zombies (SRoZ)".New version of our old mod MTA:S.T.A.L.K.E.R
The project are changed the basic world of San Andreas in to the post-apocalypse world where players have one objective:
Mod take us to the Janov city placed near Pripyat.Due to unexplained increase in the number of deaths in Zone after year 2024 authorities wanted to block access to the Zone.This leads to rebellion in Eastern Europe.Many peoples gets arrested when they trying to cross borders in to the Zone.Some peoples heard myth about straight and safe but unkonown way to the Zone trought city called Janov.Is that myth can be real? Or its a trap?
We have a lot of work to do with gamemod.But we plan to mix Day:Z and S.T.A.L.K.E.R into one perfect game.
You will be able to create your own character something similar like in sz-online.Big open custom world full of bloody zombies and unfraindly players trying to get rich fast as they can even is that mean "death" one of them.
Dev screens:
In game (old) screenshots:
Other (weapons,vehicles,sounds etc)