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Square (6/54)
Here: fading = 0 fading2 = "up" local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function updateIcons () if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then --fading if fading >= 0 and fading2 == "up" then fading = fading + 5 elseif fading <= 255 and fading2 == "down" then fading = fading - 5 end --fading math. if fading == 0 then fading2 = "up" elseif fading == 255 then fading2 = "down" end --food r,g,b = 0,255,0 local food = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"food")*2.55 r,g,b = 255-food,food,0 if food < 20 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_2.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b,fading)) elseif food < 40 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_3.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food < 60 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_4.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food < 80 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_5.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food == 100 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_6.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), updateIcons )
Someone can help me? I did five icons (name_2,_3,_4,_5 and _6). They should change in every level, but do not work. Example: --food r,g,b = 0,255,0 local food = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"food")*2.55 r,g,b = 255-food,food,0 if food < 20 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_2.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b,fading)) elseif food < 40 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_3.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food < 60 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_4.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food < 80 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_5.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) elseif food == 100 then dxDrawImage ( screenWidth*0.94 , screenHeight*0.925, screenHeight*0.085, screenHeight*0.085, "icons/food_6.png",0,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b)) end
Hello, everyone! Can we help me to add custom weapon names, in the hud? Original name > Custom name : ID M4 > M4A1 - ID:356 AK47 > AK-47 ACOG GL - ID:355 MP5 > BIZON SD - ID:353 MICRO UZI > PDW - ID:352 SILENCED > MAKAROV PM - ID:347 COLT > M1911 - ID:346 DEAGLE > REVOLVER - ID:348 SHOTGUN > WINCHESTER 1866 - ID:349 SPAZ 12 > REMINGTON 870 - ID:351 RIFLE > CZ 550 - ID:357 SNIPER > SVD CAMO - ID:358 Code: function speed ( ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, getspeed ) end addEventHandler ("onClientVehicleEnter", root, speed) function wylacz ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, getspeed ) end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", root, wylacz) function hud ( ) local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() ammo = getPedTotalAmmo ( getLocalPlayer() ) clip = getPedAmmoInClip ( getLocalPlayer() ) weaponID = getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer()) dxDrawText("#11A737 "..clip.."|"..ammo,x-(x/6.3), y/08, x, y,tocolor(0,255,255,255),1.5,"clear","left","top",true,false,false,true) if isPedInVehicle (localPlayer) == false then return end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),hud) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),hud) function quitar ( ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "ammo", false) showPlayerHudComponent ( "wanted", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "crosshair", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerSpawn", localPlayer, quitar )
Olá! Como fazer para tocar um som (exemplo: exemplo.mp3), após uma ação, por exemplo: Depois que o personagem fizer isso: if getElementData(getElementData(arg3,"parent"),"tent") then number = number+1 guiSetVisible(spalteGuiImage[number],true) guiSetText(spalteGuiText[number],"Remover Barraca") if number == 1 then guiLabelSetColor (spalteGuiText[number],50,255,50) setElementData(spalteGuiText[number],"markedMenuItem",true) end setElementData(spalteGuiText[number],"usedItem","tent") return end Deverá tocar o som exemplo.mp3
Hello! It`s possible to change the car name? Example: Get vehicle id (ex: 490) Set name (ex: SUV)
Hello! You can turn any object into a weapon? Who has ammunition that has sights, etc?
Olá! Estou a procura de scripters competentes e que tenham experiência com criação de resourcers e scripts. É preciso que fale português e que entenda inglês (não é obrigatório), que tenha fácil contato, que seja competente e dedicado. A nossa preferência é por scripters que não cobrem HUEHWUH. Precisamos criar novas funções para o GM, então o mesmo terá acesso a versão descompilada do DayZ para facilitar o trabalho. Preferência: Scripters que não cobram. Você não faz de graça? Então qual o valor que cobra em REAIS? Preferência: Pagamento pelo pagseguro, para evitar caloteiros. Interessados, por favor respondam o tópico com os respectivos contatos ou envie-nos um email para: [email protected].
Olá! Meu nome é Condizition e sou administrador do ZueiraPlays. Somos responsáveis por inovar totalmente o gamemode DayZ e queremos a ajuda de vocês para criar uma função para o gamemode, e evitar que pessoas fiquem bugando items. Essa idéia é minha e do BuurTer (também administrador) e é para o gamemode MTA DayZ. Se precisarem do gamemode descompilado, ai já não posso ajudar. Não baixamos a versão pirata e nem distribuímos a mesma, se você tem a v.descompilada ajudará muito e se não tiver ai você terá de encontrar. Quando você abre o inventário apertando J, tem dois lados. O esquerdo é dos items no loot e o direito é dos items em sua mochila. Para você transferir um item do loot para a sua mochila, é preciso que aperte o botão ->. Nesse caso você teria permissão para apertar UMA VEZ a cada 1 SEGUNDO. Se você apertar o mesmo botão mais de uma vez em 1 segundo, o item que estiver selecionado (em azul), será destruído do loot (lado esquerdo): E em baixo, logo um aviso aparecerá: E se esse aviso aparecer no total de 3 vezes, o usuário será banido automaticamente por 2 dias. Razão: Tentando bugar items. AVISOS: Primeira vez: Sistema ANTI-BUG: Se você tentar bugar items, você será banido por 2 dias. Alerta (1/3) Segunda vez: Sistema ANTI-BUG: Se você tentar bugar items, você será banido por 2 dias. Alerta (2/3) Terceira vez: Sistema ANTI-BUG: Se você tentar bugar items, você será banido por 2 dias. Alerta (3/3)
Hello! IT is FOR MTA DayZ - I'm have the uncompiled version, but can't pass. The big problem for owners of servers MTA DayZ is the bug of the items. So someone can help me create a anti bug system? Check the idea: 1- You have permission to click on button "->" one time every 1 second. 2- If you click this button more than once, the item selected has been destroyed... 3- And a alert appears underground. If the alert appear for three times, the user will be banned automatically for 2 days. Alerts: First Time: ANTI-BUG System: If you try bug items, you will be banned for 2 days. Alert (1/3) Second Time: ANTI-BUG System: If you try bug items, you will be banned for 2 days. Alert (2/3) Third Time: ANTI-BUG System: If you try bug items, you will be banned for 2 days. Alert (3/3) 4- Later, the user will be automatically banned from the server for two days. Reason: Trying bug items.
Hello! How I do it? Example: You have a item (Coke can), and you used this item (drink) and started automaticaly play the sound (example.mp3), after drink the Coke can. Item= Coke can Action= drink Sound= example.mp3
You pick up the weapon and killed the animal... if like a ped, you kill him and he is lying (dead), and inside it has an inventory respawn raw meat. But you kill him and instead of him dying, it creates a dead body and the living should disappear, but continues (second image). And do not respawn raw meat. First Image - The animals still alive. Second Image - The animal still alive and under the dead body.
Hello! Was for the animal dies, his body disappears and inside open inventory with meat. But it`s dont work!! The animal die, but create another body (died) and the animal is still alive, nor spawns raw meats. Images: [/url] [/url] Code Server animals = { {-1350.775390625,-1070.8291015625,160.71176147461}, {-1369.1123046875,-1094.70703125,163.45556640625}, {-1431.8876953125,-1093.189453125,162.88122558594}, {-1456.1787109375,-1064.6630859375,168.23822021484}, {-1483.6357421875,-1024.376953125,170.4222869873}, {-1468.3408203125,-988.3291015625,192.51156616211}, {-1431.3173828125,-934.0478515625,201.39248657227}, {-1577.904296875,-1020.0693359375,143.08142089844}, {-1587.375,-1018.236328125,141.72036743164}, {-1590.380859375,-1040.8505859375,134.61396789551}, {-1581.958984375,-1072.4111328125,133.2043762207}, {-1584.595703125,-1106.2001953125,138.63221740723}, {-1550.591796875,-1137.1181640625,136.79585266113}, {-1498.1083984375,-1180.9814453125,125.67600250244}, {-1428.4541015625,-1225.892578125,106.43696594238}, {-411.271484375,-1338.080078125,25.689184188843}, {-373.59375,-1307.2568359375,26.628273010254}, {-372.1689453125,-1259.75,31.759468078613}, {-393.7333984375,-1195.427734375,60.393005371094}, {-417.9150390625,-1180.4599609375,63.334930419922}, {-433.0888671875,-1156.3349609375,61.920516967773}, {-336.744140625,-1267.5693359375,23.735641479492}, {-303.19140625,-1275.9599609375,10.24838924408}, {-233.025390625,-1235.2373046875,6.5470447540283}, {-193.0166015625,-1232.7568359375,10.130974769592}, {-176.25,-1223.6298828125,8.0039596557617}, {-166.5498046875,-1286.111328125,3.5691347122192}, {-969.5048828125,-1738.703125,77.557479858398}, {-966.748046875,-1776.2470703125,80.165809631348}, {-976.7177734375,-1808.9462890625,90.694877624512}, {-978.0849609375,-1827.4521484375,93.413543701172}, {-986.23046875,-1855.9130859375,85.224227905273}, {-1095.68359375,-1869.5302734375,86.347923278809}, {-1168.853515625,-1864.869140625,79.263336181641}, {-1221.1416015625,-1859.6591796875,76.356552124023}, {-650.044921875,-2077.580078125,28.14298248291}, {-632.34765625,-2062.50390625,32.527751922607}, {-537.833984375,-1992.03515625,47.49878692627}, {-498.4375,-1957.61328125,38.346961975098} } function spawnDayZAnimals() for i, animal in ipairs(animals) do local x, y, z = animal[1], animal[2], animal[3] ped = createPed(math.random(12, 14), x, y, z) setElementData(ped, "animal", true) end end spawnDayZAnimals() function destroyDeadAnimalAndRespawn(ped, pedCol, x, y, z) destroyElement(ped) destroyElement(pedCol) ped = createPed(math.random(12, 14), x, y, z) setElementData(ped, "animal", true) end function createDeadAnimal() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local skin = getElementModel(source) local ped = createPed(skin, x, y, z) local pedCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5) killPed(ped) setElementData(pedCol, "parent", ped) setElementData(pedCol, "playername", "Animal") setElementData(pedCol, "deadman", true) setElementData(pedCol, "MAX_Slots", setElementData(pedCol, "deadreason", "Este animal foi morto por volta de " .. hours .. ":" .. minutes .. " horas.") if getElementModel(source) == 12 then setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", elseif getElementModel(source) == 13 then setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", 4) elseif getElementModel(source) == 14 then setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", 2) end destroyElement(source) setTimer(destroyDeadAnimalAndRespawn, 1800000, 1, ped, pedCol, x, y, z) end addEvent("createDeadAnimal", true) addEventHandler("createDeadAnimal", getRootElement(), createDeadAnimal) Client snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/bear.txd"); engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 12); sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/bear.dff", 12); engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 12); snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/fox.txd"); engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 13); sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/fox.dff", 13); engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 13); snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/wolf.txd"); engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 14); sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/wolf.dff", 14); engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 14); function animalDamage(attacker,weapon) if attacker == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData(source,"animal") then if weapon and weapon > 1 then triggerServerEvent("createDeadAnimal",source) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage",getRootElement(),animalDamage)
Ok: 1- I enter in the server 2- The login panel appears 3- I create a account 4- The gender panel appears 5- If I click on the male image, I start with the male skin (ID 73 and name standart.txd and standart.dff) If I click on the female image, I start with the female skin (ID 11 and name female.txd and female.dff) 6- If i die, the panel do not appears, only if create a account.
Ok, the images has not bug, but I need it select the gender... Example: I clicked on male image and started the game with skin number 73, or clicked on female image and started the game with skin number 71... It is only once. If he dies no longer appears. Only when you create the account. Are you understand?
Olá! Eu adicionei um background que fica ao fundo do painel de login. Até ai tudo certo, ele realmente fica como background. Porém quando eu clico em login, o painel sobe e some, e a imagem continua lá... tampando a visão. A pessoa consegue logar, porém a imagem fica fixa lá. Gostaria de saber como fazer para, assim como o painel de login, a imagem de fundo sumir quando a pessoa logar. Se precisarem de mais detalhes e tudo mais... só falar.