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  1. the camshake is not working guys.give me example of the script.
  2. guys how to edit f1 items and f9 help panel?
  3. 5p where to put this line? addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getRootElement(), function ( weapon, ammo, ammoInClip ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) if weapon == 22 then local sound = playSound3D("hg.mp3", x,y,z) setSoundVolume(sound,10) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,75) end end )
  4. thanks i got the sfx.if you know to shake the camrea little while shooting tell me.
  5. ok i will try after downloading sfx.how to shake camera while shooting to show more realistic?
  6. is the sfx weapon file should contain multiple bullet shots or single shots?
  7. we should put in the weapon resource file or a new file?
  8. give me a example of meta.xml file and replace.lua file
  9. hi everyone,i learned how to mod cars,weapons,skins before a few days ago from you guys.do anyone know to change weapon sfx sound? if so please reply.thank you.
  10. thanks dude.i got it.
  11. modloader crashes my server,when i start the resource.so i am trying to make it manual.
  12. and what about modding weapons.give me a example of meta.xml file and replace.lua file?
  13. thanks dude it worked,can you tell me how to mod weapon with a example of meta.xml and replace.lua file? it will helpfull
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