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  1. Is it me or would RP servers in particular thrive on some features that are in SA:MP but not in Multi Theft Auto as of right now? The only real thing that separates MTA and SA:MP roleplay servers at this point is the most basic of features. There are some things that just make roleplay on SA:MP feel a lot better limited interface and lack of scripting capabilities. MTA has such undivided potential when it comes to the development of heavy roleplay game-modes but ever since vG's collapse the RP scene on here has been rather lackluster. I know of a few people who are currently developing game-modes and they have spoken about how great it would be to have basic features similar to that of SA:MP. One of the things that would benefit roleplay servers is the addition of handcuffs and the animations that go along with it (i.e. hands behind back while standing or sitting). Along with this, the addition of police vests, which is possible but extremely difficult to get right, would also be exemplary. As of current the only way to implement police vests or similar objects is to have it overwrite an existing file in the servers gta3.img. It would be great if scripters could add their own custom objects into the server and then use them without overwriting anything, that feature alone would allow for endless possibilities. Along with what is stated above, a function to set the character limit when somebody is typing would be awesome. When I'm on roleplay servers I often find myself having to bring even the shortest /me onto another line which annoys me and others I have spoken with. Feel free to leave constructive criticism below or add onto these suggestions.
  2. Bugs


    From what I have been told the function to set ped mods server side is also bugged. I'd suggest fixing that in the next update; it's be extremely useful, especially for roleplay servers who seek more realistic animations.
  3. Bugs


    It's also impossible to enjoy MTA when 3/4 of your textures don't load properly. Atleast allow stream.ini to be edited; it's not like it can be done maliciously.
  4. Bugs


    I'm disappointed because MTA isn't very moddable when it comes to things outside of your gta3.img, I miss my ped.ifp and effects mod alot. Unless it's just the servers I play on I would suggest adding a function for servers to disable those types of mods however have them enabled on every server by default? Maybe that's just my opinion and the fact that I miss my realistic animations.
  5. The function was apparently re-enabled. http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/sou ... start=4912 http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/sou ... ail?r=4903 https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedWalkingStyle
  6. I know, but it does not work the same and is not used for the same purpose. I'm talking about removing CJ run and when alt is held for the player it's a normal walk instead of the oh im a badass look at me.
  7. I understand that development and any bug fixes for this function were completely discontinued back in 2008, but why can't this be re-looked into? This function works perfectly in SA:MP, I don't see why there is such a hassle with it within MTA. It's kind of hard to take roleplay servers seriously when everybody is walking around like Samuel L Jackson and running as fast as cars.
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