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Everything posted by Jimppa

  1. Hey, back while ago I noticed that mp3 files streamed through http server doesn't work for me. For example music script using http audio files doesn't work, meanwhile all my friends can hear it. I've double checked my audio settings and loaded default settings, reinstalled fresh newest MTA version(wiped all data manually) and reinstalled unmodified GTA:SA. All other sounds work like SFX, and mp3 files streamed from server files(downloaded while joining server). EDIT: resetting modem fixed problem
  2. I went offline, you see, computer or sanehosting is not my life. I would never block anyone from skype, if guy annoys me, i will delete him, blocking is for gays. Little notification to everybody: We are experiencing problems with TCAdmin like someones have noticed so it is pretty normal that starting and stopping can be bit slow and server status is unknown for littlewhile. Waiting support from TCA...
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