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почему я не решил проблему? Не обязательно иметь порты 22003-21126 , они могут быть любыми. Сервер работает , друзья заходят , в интернете виден. Чего же еще нужно?
Ребята надеюсь я помогу очень многим ! Если у вас вдруг такая же проблема , я перепробовал все ! Перечитал миллион статей, оказалось все очень банально ! Я заменил порты в mtaserverconf , пример заменяем 22003 на 55999 а 22005 на 55903 , запускаем сервер пишем openports и добавляем еще UDP порт он там выдаст вам сам он тоже будет 559.. !
Open in Fire wall , in router run DMZ , only 22005 TCP work!
I open ports ! but why dont opening when i run server?
I registered the ports in the router, writes that only 22005 is open - TCP, and the other ports are closed. What is the cause of the guys? 3 hours I can not understand, before this was not, the new router and computer! Port 22126 UDP is closed. Players can not browse! Port 22003 UDP is closed. Players can not join! Port 22005 TCP is open.
Отключал и все так же) хз в чем проблема
Прописал порты в роутере , пишет что открыт только 22005 - TCP , а остальные порты закрыты в чем причина ребят часа 3 сижу не могу понять , раньше такого не было , новый роутер и комп! Port 22126 UDP is closed. Players can not browse! Port 22003 UDP is closed. Players can not join! Port 22005 TCP is open.
kingCOP = createElement( "Pgroup", "cops" ) kingCIV = createElement( "Pgroup", "civs" ) kingNONE = createElement( "Pgroup", "none" ) function legalstartup(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then WantedWatch = setTimer (wantedlevelmonitor, 1000, 0) local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") for playerKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) do if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(thePlayer) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( thePlayer, kingCIV ) end end end end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), legalstartup) function copSpawnCheck() local detectmethod = get("legalsystem.Copmethod") if detectmethod == "team" then local copteam = get("legalsystem.Copteam") local thisTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) if thisTeam ~= false then if thisTeam == getTeamFromName(copteam) then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end elseif detectmethod == "skin" then local thisSkin = getPedSkin(source) setElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins",get("legalsystem.Copskins")) local copskins = getElementData(getRootElement(),"Copskins") if type(copskins) == "table" and #copskins > 0 then for k,skinID in ipairs(copskins) do copskins[skinID] = true end end local isacop = 0 for ElementKey, ElementValue in ipairs ( copskins ) do if thisSkin == ElementValue then isacop = 1 end end if isacop == 1 then setElementParent ( source, kingCOP ) else setElementParent ( source, kingCIV ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), copSpawnCheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY SMACKING WITH A NIGHTSTICK function rodneykingcheck ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if (attacker) and (weapon == 3) then if getElementParent(attacker) == kingCOP then local thecop = attacker local theprisoner = source local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( source ) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest") and (wlevel > 0) then if (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) elseif (getElementData ( attacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( source, true ) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), rodneykingcheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY HOLDING THEM AT GUNPOINT IF THEY HAVE LOW HP function sightscheck ( element ) if isElement(element) then if ( getElementType ( element ) == "player" ) then if ( getControlState ( source, "aim_weapon" ) ) then local currentgun = getPedWeapon ( source ) local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( element ) if (currentgun > 19) and (currentgun < 39) and (wlevel > 0) then if getElementParent(source) == kingCOP then local thecop = source local theprisoner = element local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( source ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( element ) if ( getElementHealth ( element ) < 15 ) and ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) < 3 ) then if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) ~= "underarrest" ) then if (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif (getElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) -- local arresttoolong = setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner ) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), sightscheck ) --ARREST PLAYERS BY PULLING THEM OUT OF A VEHICLE function yankhimout(player, seat, jacker) if isElement(jacker) then if getElementParent(jacker) == kingCOP then local wlevel = getPlayerWantedLevel( player ) if wlevel > 0 then if (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "single" ) and (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) ~= "double" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) triggerClientEvent(thecop,"copdirections",thecop) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) elseif (getElementData ( jacker, "currentarrests" ) == "single" ) then local thecop = jacker local theprisoner = player setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "underarrest" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", thecop ) setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, true ) toggleAllControls ( theprisoner, false, true, false ) walktheprisoner ( thecop, theprisoner ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", setTimer ( freetheguy, 180000, 1, theprisoner )) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), yankhimout ) --FORCES A PRISONER TO FOLLOW THE COP function walktheprisoner(thecop, theprisoner) if (getElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus" ) == "underarrest") and (getPedOccupiedVehicle ( theprisoner ) == false ) then local copx, copy, copz = getElementPosition ( thecop ) local prisonerx, prisonery, prisonerz = getElementPosition ( theprisoner ) copangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( copx - prisonerx ), ( copy - prisonery ) ) ) ) % 360 setPedRotation ( theprisoner, copangle ) setCameraTarget ( theprisoner, theprisoner ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( copx, copy, prisonerx, prisonery ) if ( dist > 16 ) then freetheguy ( theprisoner ) --FREES PRISONER IF HE GETS FAR AWAY elseif ( dist > 12 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 6 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist > 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", true ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", true ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) elseif ( dist < 1.5 ) then setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) local zombify = setTimer ( walktheprisoner, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) end end end --FREES A PLAYER (RESETS THEIR CONTROLS AND STATUS) function freetheguy (theprisoner) local thecaptor = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "captor" )) setElementData ( theprisoner, "currentstatus", "none" ) setElementData ( theprisoner, "captor", "none" ) showCursor ( theprisoner, false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "sprint", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "walk", false ) setControlState ( theprisoner, "forwards", false ) toggleAllControls (theprisoner, true) local prisonercheck = setTimer ( checkforprisoners, 1500, 1, thecaptor ) TimoutTimer = (getElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout" )) if isTimer(TimoutTimer) then killTimer(TimoutTimer) setElementData ( theprisoner, "arrestTimeout", nil) TimeoutTimer = nil end end function checkforprisoners(thecop) if isElement(thecop) then local prisoners = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if (getElementData ( thePlayer, "captor" ) == thecop ) then prisoners = prisoners+1 end end if prisoners == 0 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "none" ) triggerClientEvent( thecop,"clearcopdirections",thecop) elseif prisoners == 1 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "single" ) elseif prisoners == 2 then setElementData ( thecop, "currentarrests", "double" ) end end
а где код посмотреть?
WARNING: legalsystem\wantedlevels.lua:19: Bad 'element' pointer @ 'getPlayerWantedLevel'(1) Вот ещё [2012-12-12 15:34:33] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:34:33] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:37:20] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:37:20] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:38:05] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:38:05] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:38:07] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2012-12-12 15:38:07] WARNING: legalsystem\arrest_server.lua:472: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1]
Все заменил рестарт делаю ресурса и нефига на карте нету не полиции и на TAB когда жмешь нету группы полицейских ? пожалуйста кто может помочь очень надо !
Извини что то я забыл посмотреть [2012-12-09 08:01:25] Some files in 'legalsystem' use deprecated functions. [2012-12-09 08:01:25] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. [2012-12-09 08:01:25] Starting legalsystem [2012-12-09 08:01:25] start: Resource 'legalsystem' started [2012-12-09 08:01:38] Upgrading legalsystem:arrest_server.lua ...........done Вот пишет типо в arrest WARNING: legalsystem/arrest_server.lua(Line 114) [server] getPlayerWeapon is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getPedWeapon. а что там изменить подскажи пожалуйста
Привет всем ! все отлично шло и тут мне захотелось на сервер полиции нашел замечательный скрипт legalsystem все прописываю его он врубается но нечего не хочет работать blips не видно на карте , помогите очень надо на сервер полицию !