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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Solid Snake!I have a problem with the latest version! When I create a gang using the button with color but tell me:Gang error: An error has occurred!Maybe you can help me! Please! I need it now!
  2. if you can speake english maybe i can help you lool i know this is Algerian & Tunisian section but maybe i can help.
  3. About Tamazigh even me i dont know it really ( just a little bit ) Lol , French is something hard But if u want, you can Hope success for u .. Remember!I'm just trying!
  4. actually I'm trying to learn French-Tunisian dialect now.Not thinking in Tamazight language learning!.
  5. الله يسلمك مرحبا بيك برستيج بيننا وش راك ، تعرف تحكي بلهجتنا مثلا ؟ ض1 . . برب نووم شكون قلك
  6. الارقمنت من 1- 3 x,y,z والارقمنت الرابع و الخامس و السادس هذا يوضح لك (= fWidth: The collision cuboid's width -- العرض fDepth: The collision cuboid's depth -- العمق fHeight: The collision cuboid's height -- الارتفاع
  7. Ah , I understand what you did thank you!
  8. You understand what I mean, thank you, man! I've done something great for me, I do not know how to thank can you explain what did you do ?
  9. Difficult to explain this really but my script it,s 2 gui window the gui number 1 is A Drift Gui button Drift in the drift gui and GuiNumber2 it,s for others team grove,police,none, all this script in one file so the problem if player wasted he will be set to police team automatically! i don,t know why wtf with this script realy I'm tired of this script I can not find a solution to the problem! This is something really hard i want the player stay in the same team ! players drift How this is difficult and tiring!.
  10. i remove it but the same problem my script is if you click button drift then you will be set @ Players Drift Team And if you click police,grove,none you will set with which team you chose it! i click the button and the player will be in the team but the problem if player wasted it will be set in team police Automatically! you can help me now?or more explain?
  11. hi, am asking why here when the player wasted it will be set to police team when the player was @ Players Drift Team!? Client Side : Server : Note: GameMode Play Stopped (= Some One Help Me
  12. اوكك لا تسوي صورة ثانية استخخدم هاذي guiSetVisible ?? وش ذآ خخ هو طلب هذا؟ اخوي الحين وش المطلوب؟ انت مسوي الصوره وشش ناقصك؟ وخل عنك نتف الاكواد
  13. You must speak English in this topic! to understand what you're saying! @
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