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Everything posted by LabiVila

  1. Hello all, I won't post all the script because I think it's not useful, I've got the button here and: client-side yourname = getPlayerName (getLocalPlayer()) challb = guiCreateButton (0.65, 0.80, 0.30, 0.15, "Challenge", true, PVPw) function buttonCLICK (button) if (button == "left") then triggerServerEvent ("message", localPlayer, yourname , buttonCLICK) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", challb, buttonCLICK, false)) how should I do that when I click the challb button, a server-side message appears to everyone in the server saying anything (not important) ? I know it's somehow with triggerServer/ClientEvent but not sure how to use it. I'd be grateful if someone writes the full script.
  2. Hello and thanks for taking time to read this topic. in GUI, I can create a guiEdit inside a guiWindow, is there anyway I can create a space to write what do you want inside a dxRectangle? Thanks.
  3. Yes, I already know that but how can I export the text to an xml file?
  4. Hello: I have a button, and 2 guiCreateEdits (user and pass) How to make this: When I write something in user and pass, than I click the button, the button have to export the username and password text to an xml file (accounts)?
  5. Thank you so much, both. Done thanks to you.
  6. function teams () teams = createTeam ("Test", 0, 255, 0) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, teams) I want to make this: If the player hauls the test tag (for example test|LabiVila), that player should automatically move to the Test team. Any help would be appreciated so much, thank you further.
  7. Could you possibly add the Albanian language?
  8. Hello; recently, I started making a health bar but I can not pass a problem; can you post below some commands which will update the health-bar everytime I get a damage?
  9. Yes, exactly that, but I don't know how to get the usernameEdit and passwordEdit text when you click Register. I tried every way I know (with the triggerClientEvent) but it didn't work. If you know a better and easier way of making a register, could you please tell me?
  10. Hello; The server-side the client-side Everything is working fine so far. But can you guys tell me how can I get the usernameEdit and passwordEdit from the client-side to server-side? I don't want to replace with the existing xml file (accounts.xml). I want to put it a child down to accounts.xml, informations. This is the way I want to make a register-window. I would appreciate too if you would tell me an easier way to register. (I am a newbie)
  11. Thank you so much. A quick and awesome answer. Thank you.
  12. Hello; I am so close to finish my login panel, and the only thing I need now is replacing password from fonts to ****. Could you help me a bit?
  13. Yes, worked perfect, thank you so much. I appreciate your effort.
  14. Look, I just don't want for that script up to run when the server starts, I wanna make it show by typing f1 or so. When I connect to the server, this window (mainwindow) shows automatically and all the other things up (it's like a log-in, when we connect, we can see it without binding anything). I don't want this script like that, I don't know how much am I clear.
  15. Hello, as the Subject says, I need a bit help. I am a newbie in here so I flounder in a problem, --GENERAL local mainwindow = guiCreateWindow (0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, "Userpanel", true) local tabPanel = guiCreateTabPanel (0.00, 0.10, 1.00, 1.00, true, mainwindow) local info = guiCreateTab("Informations", tabPanel) local shop = guiCreateTab("Maps shop", tabPanel) local credits = guiCreateTab ("Credits", tabPanel) guiWindowSetMovable (mainwindow, false) guiWindowSetSizable (mainwindow, false) showCursor (true ) --INFO guiCreateLabel (0.05, 0.05, 0.90, 0.90, "My nickname: ".. tostring (getPlayerName (localPlayer)), true, info) guiCreateLabel (0.05, 0.25, 0.90, 0.90, "My ping: ".. tostring (getPlayerPing (localPlayer)), true, info) guiCreateLabel (0.05, 0.45, 0.90, 0.90, "My money: $".. tostring (getPlayerMoney (localPlayer)), true, info) guiCreateLabel (0.05, 0.65, 0.90, 0.90, "My team: ".. tostring (getPlayerTeam (localPlayer)), true, info) guiCreateLabel (0.05, 0.85, 0.90, 0.90, "My serial: ".. tostring (getPlayerSerial (localPlayer)), true, info) --SHOP, unfinished! guiCreateLabel (0.03, 0.03, 0.90, 0.90, "Which map would you like to play?", true, shop) guiCreateLabel (0.60, 0.07, 0.90, 0.90, "A map's price is:", true, shop) money = guiCreateLabel (0.80, 0.15, 0.90, 0.90, "5000$", true, shop) guiLabelSetColor ( money, 0, 140, 255) memo = guiCreateMemo (0.03, 0.10, 0.50, 0.85, "", true, shop) guiMemoSetReadOnly (memo, true) I am running the server in a Hamachi. Everytime I use /start myserver (based on wiki.multitheftauto.com/scriptingintro), this script starts. I don't want this script to start when I turn on my server. Regards, LabiVila.
  16. Hi everyone. Well, while I was creating my first script, I made at last 60% and now I am trying to make a CLOSE Button. I've already created the BUTTON that says: CLOSE but can not manage it. I want to make it when I click on it, to dissapear everything. Can you guys help me please? Thanks, LabiVila
  17. U should use shaders for this... I''ll try this too, thanks
  18. So nice idea, I think I have to do this one
  19. Won't work... however, ty.
  20. Hey, i would be glad if you will tell me a way to make a blurred background. I've already created the script (window) but wanna design it a bit.
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