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About jamaw76

  • Birthday 07/06/1997

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  1. If i need a lebanon board we speak arabic can we get it in the arab board as private board??
  2. I am suggesting here something to help scripters and people that can't been connected 24/7 on internet. It'll be a small app with a forum access and a wiki offline as the one that we can download also we will have a IRC direct access from their if we are connected also a unique list of all the server that were in server list last time we connected to internet with the number of players in it Hope you like this Regard The "JaMaW"
  3. If i found the server first i ll fix the rest then. And i ll contact you
  4. I am searching for an RP server for sale if someone is ready to sell me on i ll buy it I will not accept if : Server is not ready to been used Server have bad reputation Information i need Price Server name . All developpers name to keep their right If server have forum or not How many players log in each day Peak Name of owner. Regard JAMAW
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