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Everything posted by justn

  1. @Dealman: Stryke made a very good point, here's an example of what he meant: Let's say a guy made a movie and decides to sell me the movie, and i decide to sell it, no one can tell me no.. It's not like I'm saying I directed/produced the movie or anything like that
  2. It's really simple just to add him on skype and get images for scripts you'd like to see.
  3. No one will help make a entire roleplay gamemode for just admin. Being an administrator is not a reward, it's more of a 'job'. But if you're paying you can contact my skype: eminem.multitheftauto
  4. justn

    moveObject help

    There you go local barrier = createObject(968, -1572.19, 658.79, 6.8, 0, 270, 270) local state = 0 function openb(player) if state == 0 and getElementPosition(player, -1562.9, 661.9, 7) or getElementPosition(player, -1579.3, 661, 7.1)then setElementRotation(barrier, 0, 0, 270) state = 1 outputChatBox("opens the barrier.",player, 0, 255, 255) elseif state == 1 and getElementPosition(player, -1562.9, 661.9, 7) or getElementPosition(player, -1579.3, 661, 7.1) then setElementRotation(barrier, 0, 270, 270) state = 0 outputChatBox("closes the barrier.", player, 0, 255, 255) end end addCommandHandler("gate",openb) Also you made some simple errors in the script I suggest you visit the wiki to improve your scripting
  5. justn

    moveObject help

    First change: getElementPossition to getElementPosition and are you trying to make this client-sided or server-sided ? because getLocalPlayer is a client-sided function only and 'player' was not defined anywhere in your script.
  6. @nabil1478; You're saying it as if i asked you personally for help .. and as I said, I made this script 100% myself, please give me the link to where i 'stole' this please ? since you wanna be such a smartass.. you don't have the full code, you don't even know what the script does.. so please, show the link. @IIYAMA I'll test it later, currently on my phone. thanks ! @Anubhav Thanks for your help
  7. Huh ? you're acting as if I asked for your help, well guess what ? I didn't ask for your help. and Secondly I made this script 100% myself. Please don't post if you don't have anything helpful to say
  8. Line 22 is line 7 I just never copied the entire code... and there is data.
  9. Hey guys, I made a supernick script it was working fine at first, but then i updated the server and it doesnt work.. This is the function the error is in: function setPlayerSuperNick( player,command,choice,supernick ) if ( command == "sp" ) then if ( not isGuestAccount( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) ) then if ( choice ) then if ( choice == "set" ) then if ( supernick ) then if (tonumber(string.sub(getElementData(player,"Cash"), 2)) >= tonumber(price)) then setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"supernick",supernick) outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(player).." #FFFFFFhas bought a "..supercolor.."supernick#FFFFFF for #00FF00$#FFFFFF"..price.." #FFFFFF ( "..supercolor..getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"supernick").."#FFFFFF )",root,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYou have bought a "..supercolor.."supernick #FFFFFFfor #00FF00$#FFFFFF"..price,player,255,255,255,true) setElementData(player,"Cash",tonumber(string.sub(getElementData(player,"Cash"), 2))-tonumber(price)) else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYou must have atleast #00FF00$#FFFFFF"..price.."#FFFFFF to buy a "..supercolor.."supernick",player,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYou haven't put a "..supercolor.."supernick #FFFFFF",player,255,255,255,true) end elseif ( choice == "remove" ) then if ( getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"supernick" ) ~= "nil" ) then outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFF"..getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"supernick" ).."#FFFFFF has removed his "..supercolor.."supernick #FFFFFF( "..supercolor..getPlayerName(player).. " #FFFFFF)",player,255,255,255,true) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"supernick",nil) outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYour "..supercolor.."supernick #FFFFFFhas been removed",player,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYou do not have a "..supercolor.."supernick #FFFFFFto remove",player,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFFormat is: /sp set/remove "..supercolor.."supernick",player,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFFormat is: /sp set/remove "..supercolor.."supernick",player,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox(supercolor.."[superNick]: #FFFFFFYou must login to set/remove your "..supercolor.."supernick",player,255,255,255,true) end end end addCommandHandler("sp",setPlayerSuperNick) addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand",getRootElement(),setPlayerSuperNick) ERROR: sp_server.lua:22: bad argument #1 of 'sub'(string expected,got boolean)
  10. justn


    --[[------------------- CLEAR CHAT By: lLinux (HackerlLinux) To: [url=https://community.multitheftauto.com/]https://community.multitheftauto.com/[/url] Contanct: Skype: lLinux Facebook: [url=http://www.facebook.com/lLinux]www.facebook.com/lLinux[/url] ---- Please do not delete the copyright ]]--------------------- local Bind = "C" function clear ( thePlayer ) local cuenta = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then --Group Admin spaces(thePlayer) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) then --Group SuperModerator spaces(thePlayer) elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then --Group Moderator spaces(thePlayer) else outputChatBox("ACCESS DENIED!!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) -- For those that are not end end addCommandHandler("clearchat", clear) function spaces(thePlayer) outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox(" ") outputChatBox("#00B3C7[serever [bP] ] #00FF04Чат был очищен #FF0000 "..getPlayerName(thePlayer), getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() bindKey(source,Bind,"down","clearchat") end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, function() local players = getElementsByType("player") for i,v in ipairs(players) do bindKey(v,Bind,"down","clearchat") end end)
  11. Yeah, it was because of supernick, I just added the code in the supernick script and now it works fine Thanks guys
  12. cancelEvent() doesn't work.. and Freeroam is not running.. I edited his code a bit: addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( message,messageType ) if ( messageType == 0 ) then for i=1, string.len ( message ) do local n = message:sub ( i, i ) if ( n:byte ( ) < 32 or n:byte ( ) > 127 ) then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( "#0075ff(Language): #FFFFFFMain chat is for #0075ffEnglish #FFFFFFonly !", source, 255, 0, 0,true ) return; end end end end)
  13. Someone can help me please?
  14. I'm currently using xXMADEXx's code.. But the 'cancelEvent( )' in his code doesn't get cancelled, that's what I need help fixing
  15. Ah... because when I tested his.. i said something arabic in chat . and it still worked Hahah. I had that suggestion, but I don't think I wanna take a long time creating a english dictionary... __ @xXMADEXx: In your code, the event doesn't get cancelled
  16. This didn't help at all... did you read what i wanted?
  17. Hey guys I'm working on a script.. so when the player talks in the main chat.. if there's letters / words which is not english.. then it will output a error in the chatbox..
  18. When a player spawns, you can set his element data ( run limits ) to 100 ( or any other number u like )... bind your key to 'w' or any button.. so when the player holds the button which was binded.. set a timer.. set the element data ( run limits ) minus 1..and in that timer, u can check if the element data ( run limits ) is 0.. and if it is.. then do what u want..like set a animation or anything like that NOTE: when the player releases the binded button.. you would need to kill the timer That's how I would make it.. heres codes: setElementData getElementData bindKey setTimer -- and other functions so when the player's element data ( run limit ) gets to 0
  19. if(isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "BazaAdminow" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "BazaAdminowA" ) )) then
  20. I saw a server.. where they would allow u to set hearts and stuff on ur name.. e.e This is what I'm trying to do with supernick.. EDIT: Nevermind, I have figured out how to close topic please. thanks
  21. Too late Sasu I fixed the problem, but ty all. now I need help with 1 more thing.. i tried setting my supernick to this ♥ and my name did not change.. is there anyway, i can make those heart faces and stuff appear when i set my super-nick?
  22. That wouldn't fix anything .. ^^
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