On this line "outputChatBox ("Este local é Radioativo, recomenda-se uso de roupa especial!",hitElement,255,255,255,true)"
When the player enter in the area the outputChatBox doesn't work
local colradiat = createColCuboid(1648.9276, 2820.2937, -31.4780, 805.5, 581, 90)
local zoneeeeee = createRadarArea (1648.9276, 2820.2937, 805.5, 581, 255,0,0, 255 )
local player = getLocalPlayer()
function onPlayerIntroareaRadiativa(theElement)
if theElement == getLocalPlayer() then
outputChatBox ("Este local é Radioativo, recomenda-se uso de roupa especial!",hitElement,255,255,255,true)
triggerEvent("vignetTte", getLocalPlayer())
playerentro = true
addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", colradiat, onPlayerIntroareaRadiativa)