The server. Iswell can you just put all of the map files into one .zip file and upload to ( We know you get paid for your links but it's boring waiting ) and don't work for me.
I totally agree most people who makes MTa Roleplay's do it because they want the power and they simply don't know how to roleplay grow up and I support every word on this thread
I've been speaking to A good friend of Daniels 'Dazz' and he told me that Daniels gave him the script they made the vedic the second MTA:RP and someone hacked into their FTP so they lost their scripts but mount don't give a shot noone really cares about him lol.
Of course they are such like ShoDown Gaming Script was stolen it was leaked but your choice to run it they are using vg code and so are you so it don't matter anyway Mount won't do anything.