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كل ماشغل سيرفر يكتب هيك مع ان المعلومات صحيحة help
3NAD replied to zero00's topic in Arabic / العربية
عندك مشكلة بتعبئة البيانات -
local number = 0 number = ( ( number < 255 and number +1 ) or 0 )
الكود ذا حطه في ملف كلاينت بس و حق سيرفر سايد , هذا كلاينت إيفنت انت مسويه من اول
local arena = { }; function arena.create ( ) arena.marker = { }; arena.marker[1] = createMarker ( -224, 125, 4, "cylinder", 1, 255, 255, 255, 255 ) arena.marker[2] = createMarker ( -200, 125, 4, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) arena.marker[3] = createMarker ( -200, 157, 6, "cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 0, 255 ) arena.marker[4] = createMarker ( -224, 157, 6, "cylinder", 1, 0, 0, 255, 255 ) arena.attachMarker ( ) end addCommandHandler ( "work", arena.create ) function arena.leave ( player ) if player == localPlayer then outputChatBox ( "You have left the area" ) end end function arena.borders ( ) if not arena.run then return end for i, v in ipairs ( arena.attach ) do local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition ( v.fromMarker ) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition ( v.toMarker ) dxDrawLine3D ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 230 ), 2 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, arena.borders ) function arena.attachMarker ( ) arena.attach = { }; local fromID = 1 while fromID <= 4 do local toID = ( ( fromID < 4 and fromID +1 ) or 1 ) table.insert ( arena.attach, { fromMarker=arena.marker[fromID], toMarker=arena.marker[toID], distance=0 } ) fromID = fromID +1 end arena.positions ( ) end function arena.positions ( ) arena.position = { }; arena.position.marker = { }; arena.position.center = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }; for i, v in ipairs ( arena.marker ) do arena.position.marker[i] = { }; arena.position.marker[i].x, arena.position.marker[i].y, arena.position.marker[i].z = getElementPosition ( v ) end local markerID = 1 while markerID <= 4 do arena.position.center.x = arena.position.center.x + arena.position.marker[markerID].x arena.position.center.y = arena.position.center.y + arena.position.marker[markerID].y arena.position.center.z = arena.position.center.z + arena.position.marker[markerID].z markerID = markerID +1 end arena.position.center.x = arena.position.center.x/4 arena.position.center.y = arena.position.center.y/4 arena.position.center.z = arena.position.center.z/4 arena.createBorders ( ) end function arena.createBorders ( ) local x, y = { }, { } for i, v in ipairs ( arena.position.marker ) do table.insert ( x, v.x ) table.insert ( y, v.y ) end arena.borders = createColPolygon ( arena.position.center.x, arena.position.center.y, x[1], y[1], x[2], y[2], x[3], y[3], x[4], y[4] ) addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeLeave", arena.borders, arena.leave, false ) arena.run = true end جرب ذا ما انسى اللي ساعدني فيه بالتوفيق
onPlayerJoin ; اللاعب باقي ماحمل ملف الكلاينت ف لذلك الإيفنت ماراح يحصله
Client: triggerServerEvent ( "onRequestCurrentGamemode", localPlayer ) Server: addEvent ( "onRequestCurrentGamemode", true ) addEventHandler ( "onRequestCurrentGamemode", root, function ( ) if CWMode then triggerClientEvent ( source, "EnableCW", resourceRoot ) elseif WFFMode then triggerClientEvent ( source, "EnableWFF", resourceRoot ) end end )
نال إعجابي
#-[ BitDegree - كورسات مجانية لفترة محدودة ]-#
3NAD replied to #StrOnG_,)'s topic in Arabic / العربية
أحسنت -
شرايك اختبرك فالشغلة ذي ؟
addCommandHandler ( "startMission" , function ( player,cmd,mission ) local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( playerAccount ) ) then if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName(playerAccount),aclGetGroup("Console") ) ) then for k,v in pairs ( positionTable ) do if mission == v[1] then setElementData(resourceRoot,"TheMissions",mission) outputChatBox("yes",root,255,0,0,true) return end end outputChatBox("no",root,255,0,0,true) end end end )
انت اللي تحدد تبي نو تظهر ولا لا ! مثلاً كان كودك انك تبحث عن قيمة في التيبل , ف مافي حاجة انك تستخدم else
local taple = {} getPlayerDor = function ( source ) for i, v in ipairs ( taple ) do if v.player == source then return i end end end addCommandHandler("dor",-- يحط نفسه بالدور function(source) local dor = getPlayerDor ( source ) if not dor then outputChatBox("تم وضعك في الدور , انتظر حتي ياتي دورك لسحبك",source,255,255,0,true) table.insert(taple,{player=source}) outputChatBox(""..#taple.." انت الدور رقم",source,255,255,0,true) else outputChatBox(""..dor.." قمت بأخذ دور مسبقاً, الرقم",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) addCommandHandler("getDor", function(source) local dorNow = taple[1] if dorNow then local player = dorNow.player local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setElementPosition(player,x,y,z+2) table.remove(taple,1) else outputChatBox("لايوجد دور",source,255,0,0,true) end end )
نعم , راح يوقف اللوب بعد اول نو
تقدر تستخدم break لإيقاف اللوب أو return لإيقاف الوظيفة
انا قلت لك جرب الكوماندات (اكتب الكلمة بأف8) ء إضافة كلمة للجدول addValue text حذف كلمة من الجدول removeValue text عرض الكلمات اللي بالجدول getValues
انت اللي تحتاجه هو fromJSON toJSON اقرا الكود وافهم طريقة استخدام الوظيفتين اللي فوق اذا فيه شيء مافهمته, حدد عليه واسأل هنا
executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Sql` (`test` TEXT)") addCommandHandler ( "addValue", function ( player, _, value ) local SQL = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT `test` FROM `Sql`" ) if #SQL == 0 then local testingTable = { value }; local tableToBeStored = toJSON ( testingTable ) executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `Sql` (`test`) VALUES(?)", tableToBeStored ) outputChatBox ( "* The value has been added.", player ) else local tableToBeUsed = fromJSON ( SQL[1].test ) table.insert ( tableToBeUsed, value ) local tableToBeStored = toJSON ( tableToBeUsed ) executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE `Sql` SET test=?", tableToBeStored ) outputChatBox ( "* The value has been added.", player ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "removeValue", function ( player, _, value ) local SQL = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT `test` FROM `Sql`" ) if #SQL == 0 then outputChatBox ( "* No results.", player ) else local tableToBeUsed = fromJSON ( SQL[1].test ) for i, v in ipairs ( tableToBeUsed ) do if v == value then table.remove ( tableToBeUsed, i ) local tableToBeStored = toJSON ( tableToBeUsed ) executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE `Sql` SET test=?", tableToBeStored ) outputChatBox ( "* The value has been removed.", player ) return end end outputChatBox ( "* The value isn't exist.", player ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "getValues", function ( player ) local SQL = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT `test` FROM `Sql`" ) if #SQL == 0 then outputChatBox ( "* No results.", player ) else local tableToBeUsed = fromJSON ( SQL[1].test ) for i, v in ipairs ( tableToBeUsed ) do outputChatBox ( v, player ) end end end ) جرب الكوماندات
عطني مثال حي للشيء اللي تبي تسويه في قاعدة البيانات ..
هذا الكود راح يعمل ثقل كبير على الكلاينت ( يسبب لاق ) ء
Hello, I would like to report about a Fake Server that using 6ArH's name ! Real Server: mtasa:// Fake Server: mtasa:// Thank you.