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Everything posted by Fury

  1. you can; function reparierungszieltut(pruefungsrepVehicle) if ( getElementHealth ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( pruefungsrepVehicle ) ) == 800 ) then -- your code goes here end end setTimer ( reparierungszieltut, 1000, 0 )
  2. function reparierungszieltut() if ( getElementHealth ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) ) == 800 ) then -- your code goes here end end setTimer ( reparierungszieltut, 1000, 0 ) this check player's healt in every 1 second.
  3. Where is the event or whatever the way you calling the function reparierungszieltut? he can use timer to check that.
  4. client; function getVehHealt() getElementHealth ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) end server; function getVehHealt() getElementHealth ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) end
  5. he was asking about function that gets all account. he says "i know there isnt any function like that" so i show him. i know he's looking for puma's code. im trying to help newbies
  6. actually there is one; https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetAllAccountData
  7. if it is your server you can use downloadFile. if it isnt yours you cant do anything.
  8. you mean server-side stuff or client-side stuff? use; DownloadFile() https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DownloadFile
  9. Fury

    is this possible?

    i mean can we speed up callRemote?
  10. Fury

    is this possible?

    is there any way to make it faster?
  11. Fury

    is this possible?

    thanks problem fixed!
  12. left = screenWidth/1.18 - windowWidth/9.8 top = screenHeight/1.09 - windowHeight/20 try to change this to --example. left = screenWidth-185 top = screenHeight-515 this
  13. hey guys, is this possible to get other server's online players count? example; i have a "A" server, and i want to show online players in "B" server at "A" server. ps: servers are in same vps local online = getPlayerCount() local maximum = getMaxPlayers()
  14. Fury

    Clan System

    any player in server can make clan with point or cash. you can add my skype to talk about it; pinkus-floydus.
  15. Fury

    Clan System

    i have used it in my server for 2 months. there are 45 teams in xml file. no lag. no crash. thanks
  16. Fury

    Clan System

    http://tinyurl.com/bjsoxcd http://tinyurl.com/an7jln4 http://tinyurl.com/bzl93kp http://tinyurl.com/a5m5rjj http://tinyurl.com/byfmc95 http://tinyurl.com/anfno57 it saves teams to teams.xml. its for sale. 25$. skype: pinkus-floydus
  17. Fury

    is this possible?

    oh, okay. is there any MySQL tuttorial for mta sa?
  18. Fury

    is this possible?

    i want to share internal.db with server in same host. its not on the another host. edit: what about this? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DbConnect test_db = dbConnect( "sqlite", ":/example/sub/dir/file.db" )
  19. Fury

    is this possible?

    can you give me one example i really dont understand. can i change internal.db's path?
  20. is this possible to run 2 run server in one internal.db?
  21. im using 54 at my DD server. i thinks its nice.
  22. Fury

    Help... Panel

    please.. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction
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