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  1. Exactly, the makers of this mod fucked themselves by putting in a serial system, there is no way to permanently ban someone.
  2. With the serial system you are finally able to ban someone permanently! You're a moron.
  3. I want to atleast know why they would put a serial system in, it has no point at all.
  4. How are you not provoking me. Do you expect me me to sit idly by while you say they have no life, no girlfriend and all I do is sit in my house. Of course I am going to defend myself. Which works out for you, because now you get to call me immature and I need to have the last word. This whole discussion is pointless, as I have already said what is going to happen if they do not remove the ridiculous serial BS. It is not just me that thinks that it is pointless. And no, this cannot stop hackers.
  5. You say that I need to have the last word, yet you keep on provoking me with personal attacks when you have no clue who I am or how I live my life.
  6. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is not possible to just download a hack for a game like crysis, show me proof or shut up, because nothing you said was true. All I am trying to do is make this mod better by convincing the retarded makers of it to remove a pointless serial. I am not trying to be an idol, I am trying to play a mod, and make it more available to others who cannot get a serial.
  7. No, I don't fail, the makers of this mod fail. They worked hard and produced a good product, only to :~ all over it with serials. Here is what longpoke did to crysis: http://video.google.ca/videosearch?q=lo ... tesearch=# Just look at that, that is what this mod will be once the generator is up. There is no stopping the almighty longpoke: http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/9648/project1vp3.jpg See how he laughs, even when lazers are being fired at his face? Umm.. Dude.. Its just a game? Theres people throwing thier backs out trying to fight in wars, And you sit here an act all pumped up and tough because you can mess with a few programs? One word, Fail. And seriosuly, Who cares about Crysis hacks? Anyone can just download a program and use it and say that they are a hero and try to make them selves look good on the internet, Which is three words, Fail at life. Notice how you have nothing else to do except sit here and try to mess up MTA or what not. Two words, Epic Failure. But seriosuly, Dont try to be something on the internet it just makes yourself look like an idiot. Which is your choice pal. So you magically know that all I do is sit at my computer all day threatening people? Don't fucking try to seem like you fucking know me, and just assume I don't give a shit about the military and what they are doing. And btw, no you can't just download a program that will work online to cheat in crysis.
  8. No, I don't fail, the makers of this mod fail. They worked hard and produced a good product, only to shit all over it with serials. Here is what longpoke did to crysis: http://video.google.ca/videosearch?q=lo ... tesearch=# Just look at that, that is what this mod will be once the generator is up. There is no stopping the almighty longpoke: http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/9648/project1vp3.jpg See how he laughs, even when lazers are being fired at his face?
  9. Which retard decided to make the users require a serial? This is ridiculous, this is the most "how do I shot web?" moment I have ever seen! If you think this will prevent hackers you are truly idiots. Who the fuck makes a free MOD require a serial. MORONS! I don't give a shit if you ban me, when your serial generator starts to work I will hack this shit out of all servers. REMEMBER THE NAME LONGPOKE!
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