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Everything posted by tehtrollking

  1. conitune you ur project please ..
  2. just conitune your project annoy them
  3. leave his fourm page if your gonna put someone down its his choice gtfo if you have a problem with his ideas hes being creative!!
  4. are we gonna be getting a download anytime soon rolling11
  5. tehtrollking


    could of said that better inside of being a total asshat... watch the respect hes asking for help either your gonna help him or stop putting people down @!!!!
  6. Would you stop being so annoying, can't you just calm down yourself and wait like normal people do ? Simple as that. can you shut the fuck up simply as that k thanks
  7. first of all whos exicted for the release ? ? ? ?
  8. follow your dreams jeremaniak if you wanna make a new improved admin panel god be with you do it !! hope see see pictures soon to to see ur great ideas
  9. your a good example of a asshat . true fact ^^ because maybe some people dont know where to start yes read but put is how the coding starts so if you wanna give a little class to everyone that would like to learn then please do if not shut the hell up and let people do what they please he wants to help community you let him its his choice hes doing a good deed "btw i cant wait to see the release iam very intrested how the work has turned out and i bet many other also are exicted also rolling11" ps sorry for flaming on ur fourm page I learned it to just start staring a whole day to a lua script and also with some great help of the great wiki where you can find almost everything that can be used for scripts and btw dont start crying when people are saying you to lear just do it , if you dont have time to learn then ..... Make some damn time for lua And something else if you dont understand what i am trying to say read it again Peace -jeremaniak couldnt say it any better my good sir
  10. no release yet. 27 th goes till midnight . his time lol
  11. your a good example of a asshat . true fact ^^ because maybe some people dont know where to start yes read but put is how the coding starts so if you wanna give a little class to everyone that would like to learn then please do if not shut the hell up and let people do what they please he wants to help community you let him its his choice hes doing a good deed "btw i cant wait to see the release iam very intrested how the work has turned out and i bet many other also are exicted also rolling11" ps sorry for flaming on ur fourm page
  12. i know scripting you idiot iam standing up for the people that want it and for the community end of discussion shut your pie hole
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