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I was on the server. Script is saved to the resource without the meta file, so I created it. You can't say the theft of ...
http://pastebin.com/4KpiyKuU Pedro ( drake ) it isnt stolen image its my picture, but stolen script
g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_Me = getLocalPlayer() g_ArmedVehicleIDs = table.create({ 425, 447, 520, 430, 464, 432 }, true) g_WaterCraftIDs = table.create({ 539, 460, 417, 447, 472, 473, 493, 595, 484, 430, 453, 452, 446, 454 }, true) g_ModelForPickupType = { nitro = 2221, repair = 2222, vehiclechange = 2223 } g_HunterID = 425 g_Checkpoints = {} g_Pickups = {} g_VisiblePickups = {} g_Objects = {} addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() g_Players = getElementsByType('player') fadeCamera(false,0.0) -- create GUI local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_dxGUI = { ranknum = dxText:create('1', screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 95, false, 'bankgothic', 2, 'right'), ranksuffix = dxText:create('st', screenWidth - 40, screenHeight - 86, false, 'bankgothic', 1), checkpoint = dxText:create('0/0', screenWidth - 15, screenHeight - 54, false, 'bankgothic', 0.8, 'right'), timepassed = dxText:create('0:00:00', screenWidth - 10, screenHeight - 25, false, 'bankgothic', 0.7, 'right'), mapdisplay = dxText:create('Map: none', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(0.7, 'bankgothic')/2, false, 'bankgothic', 0.7, 'left') } g_dxGUI.ranknum:type">type">type">type('stroke', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_dxGUI.ranksuffix:type">type">type('stroke', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_dxGUI.checkpoint:type">type">type('stroke', 1, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_dxGUI.timepassed:type">type('stroke', 1, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_GUI = { timeleftbg = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-108/2, 15, 108, 24, 'img/timeleft.png', false, nil), timeleft = guiCreateLabel(screenWidth/2-108/2, 19, 108, 30, '', false), healthbar = FancyProgress.create(250, 1000, 'img/progress_health_bg.png', -65, 60, 123, 30, 'img/progress_health.png', 8, 8, 108, 15), speedbar = FancyProgress.create(0, 1.5, 'img/progress_speed_bg.png', -65, 90, 123, 30, 'img/progress_speed.png', 8, 8, 108, 15), } guiSetFont(g_GUI.timeleft, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(g_GUI.timeleft, 'center') g_GUI.speedbar:setProgress(0) hideGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft', 'healthbar', 'speedbar', 'ranknum', 'ranksuffix', 'checkpoint', 'timepassed') RankingBoard.precreateLabels(10) -- set update handlers g_PickupStartTick = getTickCount() addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateBars) g_WaterCheckTimer = setTimer(checkWater, 1000, 0) -- load pickup models and textures for name,id in pairs">pairs">pairs">pairs(g_ModelForPickupType) do engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD('model/' .. name .. '.txd'), id) engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF('model/' .. name .. '.dff', id), id) -- Double draw distance for pickups engineSetModelLODDistance( id, 60 ) end if isVersion101Compatible() then -- Dont clip vehicles (1.0.1 function) setCameraClip ( true, false ) end -- Init presentation screens TravelScreen.init() TitleScreen.init() -- Show title screen now TitleScreen.show() setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, false) end ) ------------------------------------------------------- -- Title screen - Shown when player first joins the game ------------------------------------------------------- TitleScreen = {} TitleScreen.startTime = 0 function TitleScreen.init() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local adjustY = math.clamp( -30, -15 + (-30- -15) * (screenHeight - 480)/(900 - 480), -15 ); g_GUI['titleImage'] = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-256, screenHeight/2-256+adjustY, 512, 512, 'img/title.png', false) g_dxGUI['titleText1'] = dxText:create('', 30, screenHeight-67, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'left' ) g_dxGUI['titleText2'] = dxText:create('', 120, screenHeight-67, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'left' ) g_dxGUI['titleText1']:text( 'KEYS: \n' .. 'F4 \n' .. 'F5 \n' .. 'ENTER' ) g_dxGUI['titleText2']:text( '\n' .. '- TRAFFIC ARROWS \n' .. '- TOP TIMES \n' .. '- RETRY' ) hideGUIComponents('titleImage','titleText1','titleText2') end function TitleScreen.show() showGUIComponents('titleImage','titleText1','titleText2') guiMoveToBack(g_GUI['titleImage']) TitleScreen.startTime = getTickCount() TitleScreen.bringForward = 0 addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, TitleScreen.update) end function TitleScreen.update() local secondsLeft = TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() / 1000 local alpha = math.min(1,math.max( secondsLeft ,0)) guiSetAlpha(g_GUI['titleImage'], alpha) g_dxGUI['titleText1']:color(220,220,220,255*alpha) g_dxGUI['titleText2']:color(220,220,220,255*alpha) if alpha == 0 then hideGUIComponents('titleImage','titleText1','titleText2') removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, TitleScreen.update) end end function TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() return math.max( 0, TitleScreen.startTime - TitleScreen.bringForward + 10000 - getTickCount() ) end -- Start the fadeout as soon as possible function TitleScreen.bringForwardFadeout(maxSkip) local ticksLeft = TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() local bringForward = ticksLeft - 1000 outputDebug( 'MISC', 'bringForward ' .. bringForward ) if bringForward > 0 then TitleScreen.bringForward = math.min(TitleScreen.bringForward + bringForward,maxSkip) outputDebug( 'MISC', 'TitleScreen.bringForward ' .. TitleScreen.bringForward ) end end ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- Travel screen - Message for client feedback when loading maps ------------------------------------------------------- TravelScreen = {} TravelScreen.startTime = 0 function TravelScreen.init() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_GUI['travelImage'] = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-256, screenHeight/2-90, 512, 256, 'img/travelling.png', false, nil) g_dxGUI['travelText1'] = dxText:create('Travelling to', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-130, false, 'bankgothic', 0.60, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText2'] = dxText:create('', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-100, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText3'] = dxText:create('', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-70, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText1']:color(240,240,240) hideGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2', 'travelText3') end function TravelScreen.show( mapName, authorName ) TravelScreen.startTime = getTickCount() g_dxGUI['travelText2']:text(mapName) g_dxGUI['travelText3']:text(authorName and "Author: " .. authorName or "") showGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2', 'travelText3') guiMoveToBack(g_GUI['travelImage']) end function TravelScreen.hide() hideGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2', 'travelText3') end function TravelScreen.getTicksRemaining() return math.max( 0, TravelScreen.startTime + 3000 - getTickCount() ) end ------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from server function notifyLoadingMap( mapName, authorName ) fadeCamera( false, 0.0, 0,0,0 ) -- fadeout, instant, black TravelScreen.show( mapName, authorName ) end -- Called from server function initRace(vehicle, checkpoints, objects, pickups, mapoptions, ranked, duration, gameoptions, mapinfo, playerInfo) outputDebug( 'MISC', 'initRace start' ) unloadAll() g_Players = getElementsByType('player') g_MapOptions = mapoptions g_GameOptions = gameoptions g_MapInfo = mapinfo g_PlayerInfo = playerInfo triggerEvent('onClientMapStarting', g_Me, mapinfo ) g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:text("Map: "..g_MapInfo.name) fadeCamera(true) showHUD(false) g_Vehicle = vehicle setVehicleDamageProof(g_Vehicle, true) OverrideClient.updateVars(g_Vehicle) --local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Vehicle) setCameraBehindVehicle(vehicle) --alignVehicleToGround(vehicle) updateVehicleWeapons() setCloudsEnabled(g_GameOptions.cloudsenable) setBlurLevel(g_GameOptions.blurlevel) g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:visible(g_GameOptions.showmapname) if engineSetAsynchronousLoading then engineSetAsynchronousLoading( g_GameOptions.asyncloading ) end -- checkpoints g_Checkpoints = checkpoints -- pickups local object local pos local colshape for i,pickup in pairs">pairs">pairs(pickups) do pos = pickup.position object = createObject(g_ModelForPickupType[pickup.type">type">type], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) setElementCollisionsEnabled(object, false) colshape = createColSphere(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 3.5) g_Pickups[colshape] = { object = object } for k,v in pairs">pairs(pickup) do g_Pickups[colshape][k] = v end g_Pickups[colshape].load">load">load">load = true if g_Pickups[colshape].type">type">type == 'vehiclechange' then g_Pickups[colshape].label = dxText:create(getVehicleNameFromModel(g_Pickups[colshape].vehicle), 0.5, 0.5) g_Pickups[colshape].label:color(255, 255, 255, 0) g_Pickups[colshape].label:type">type">type("shadow",2) end end -- objects g_Objects = {} local pos, rot for i,object in ipairs">ipairs(objects) do pos = object.position rot = object.rotation g_Objects[i] = createObject(object.model, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]) end if #g_Checkpoints > 0 then g_CurrentCheckpoint = 0 showNextCheckpoint() end -- GUI g_dxGUI.timepassed:text('0:00:00') showGUIComponents('healthbar', 'speedbar', 'timepassed') hideGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft') if ranked then showGUIComponents
Hello, i have problem with these text http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/mtascreen20120318133707.png/ I want him in the Played box. How i will put it there ? And i want to the Left box next text.That will show how much time is left until the end. Thank's
Hey all. I looking for some scripts. Can you help me? I looking for missiontimer, but no normally ( no this https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1077 ) I looking for some good deathlist, but no deathlist from pato. Its a bugged. Please dont write me Learn lua etc...
Sorry, Anyway, I wrote a message directly miki's. No one else.
Miki, tvoje pomoci mi je platná jak hadovi noha... asi by bylo lepší napsat mi přímo návod v CZ , nemyslíš ? Nebo mi to udělat. Nebylo by špatný mi udělat či poslat ten pointsystem.. -.-
I must finish writing, but im not scripter https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=3478 I wrote only points... https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=819 This link here to not understood https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Call Im not scripter
Hey all i need help. Can you give me link for point system ONLY point..!? And 2nd question, how i add points to scoreboard?
ehm.. ok but i dont have well English .. Iam Czech and google transtalate is fu***d he's bad
YES ! thx And i have next question. How i delete VIPt in this script ? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=819 I want only !points !cash !roll !inforoll !inforollpl .. thats all.
Hello I saw some script on community.. Modifying resources in the admin panel. I do not know how it's called.Please help me with this. I need it.
-.- Iam Czech.. I can not speak English well, so I cant learn lua in English.
Introduce: Hey.. this is my 1st topic. Iam Czech so sorry for my bad english. Iam not scripter. What i need ? I need some GOOD point system, I think GOOD ! So without bugs and more! I want in this script !points, !cash, !wins, !playtime, !hunters .. or something like that. I dont want this https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=819 - its a bugged script.. I looking for some gui with race stats. Without bugs! Thx for links and answers.