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Everything posted by Sora

  1. Amazing ! i really like it , please keep it up
  2. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=6313
  3. حبيت اوضح بس بان الكود موجود بالويكي .. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerCommand
  4. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f ... 27#p543659
  5. هذا برنامج اتوقع يركب ويستخرج اصوات من\ب اللعبة GTA : San Andreas تصمم لاول مره ليعمل بالاوامر لكن شخص طوره ليعمل بال gui هنا تحميله 'Alci's San Andreas Audio Toolkit GUI FrontEnd ' http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=5777 وهذا البرنامج الافتراضي الي يعمل بالاوامر 'San Andreas Audio Toolkit' http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1186
  6. افتح بورت وريح حالك افضل لك .. كلام يزن 100% صحيح برنامج الهماشي من تجربتي يثقل على الانترنت
  7. Really great job , thanks for sharing ^^
  8. طيب؟ مو مشكلة يقدر يفعل او يعطل البرنامج من منطقة رموز الاعلام بشريط المهام يبحث عن ايقونة برنامج Easy Scroller يضغط عليها بزر الماوس الايمن يطلع له قائمه يختار منها Enable / Disable Easy Scroller num_0 وخصوصاً باللاب توبات .. ويمكن الأخ معه لابتوب ومافيه زر num_0 الأخ بندر .. يقصد إنه في بعض لوحات المفاتيح مافيها زر بهالحالة وش يسوي ؟ أظن إنه في خيار من البرنامج تقدر تعدل الزر من خلاله .. مع اني ما حملت البرنامج ؛ بس أكيد بيكون مثله مثل أي برنامج ثاني .. شوف ي حبيبي البرنامج تقدر تفعله او تعطله عن طريق زر num_0 بس البرنامج اول مايشتغل بيكون مفعل فـ ماله حاجة انك تعطله بزر num_0 تقدر تفعله او تعطله بالطريقه الي قلتها في ردي السابق
  9. طيب هو عنده لابتوب يمكن.ماعنده زر num 0 قليل تلاقيه باللاب طيب؟ مو مشكلة يقدر يفعل او يعطل البرنامج من منطقة رموز الاعلام بشريط المهام يبحث عن ايقونة برنامج Easy Scroller يضغط عليها بزر الماوس الايمن يطلع له قائمه يختار منها Enable / Disable Easy Scroller
  10. http://rhdesigns.browseto.org/easyscroller.html Page Up لـتحريك عجلة الماوس للاعلى Page Down لتحريك عجلة الماوس للاسفل Ctrl + Num 0 لتفعيل او تعطيل عمل البرنامج Easy Scroller
  11. Well i just found that what pain said was right , so here is the new script Client side function cancel(msg,r,g,b) cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",root, function () outputChatBox("* Messages are blocked for 3 seconds",255,0,0) addEventHandler("onClientChatMessage",root,cancel) setTimer(function () removeEventHandler("onClientChatMessage",root,cancel) outputChatBox("* Messages are allowed now",0,255,0) end,3000,1) end) this script will block every chat message when a resource starts for 3 seconds then will allow it again
  12. i'm not sure if this will block messages from maps but you can try it addEventHandler("onChatMessage", root, function (msg,element) if getElementType(element) == "resource" then if getResourceInfo(element, "type" ) == "map" then cancelEvent() end end end)
  13. Sora

    strange error

    You're welcome ^^
  14. جرب شغل الاوفلاين Grand theft auto:San Andreas اذا ماشتغلت فـ المشكله منها اعد تثبيتها وشغلها اذا اشتغلت سكرها و شغل الاونلاين Multi theft Auto:San Andreas احتمال تسألك عن موقع اللعبه الاوفلاين حدده واضغط موافق وان شاء الله تشتغل معك اذا ماشتغلت استخدم الاداة الي اعطاك برستيج بالرد
  15. Sora

    strange error

    i'm not sure but i think that the file were renamed from another format to .png that's why mta says it's invalid you can try this .. change its name to another format like .jpg then open it with ms paint and save it as png see if it worked you could use format factory to convert all images format
  16. Sora

    Donators For Race

    Any other language except english is not allowed in this section .. also keep in mind that we don't help robbers Please lock the topic .
  17. you wasn't really have to use call client function because you can do it with trigger event i just post it cause you said yours not working , anyways you can make it simply like this : -- server side ( server.lua ) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root,function () -- links the event onPlayerSpawn with a function triggerClientEvent(source,"PlaySound",source) -- triggers the client side event "PlaySound" which plays the sound just for the source player end) -- client side (client.lua) addEvent("PlaySound",true) -- creates a custom event addEventHandler("PlaySound",root,function () -- links the custom event with a function sound = playSound("harlem.mp3") -- defines and plays the sound file harlem.mp3 end)
  18. you can't play the sound server side you can only trigger a client event to play the sound client side you didn't make a client side , did you? that's why its not working , you gotta create a client side file then put this function in function callClientFunction(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end end loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg)) end addEvent("onServerCallsClientFunction", true) addEventHandler("onServerCallsClientFunction", resourceRoot, callClientFunction) also in your serverside you gotta put this function function callClientFunction(client, funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end end end -- If the clientside event handler is not in the same resource, replace 'resourceRoot' with the appropriate element triggerClientEvent(client, "onServerCallsClientFunction", resourceRoot, funcname, unpack(arg or {})) end also you've forgot to close the string -- define the onGamemodeMapStart handler function function onGamemodeMapStart() -- play sound callClientFunction(source, "sound = playSound", "harlem.mp3") end -- add the event handler addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", root, onGamemodeMapStart)
  19. oh sorry i was fast in reply you can do it manually by editing acl.xml file or you can execute this command using admin resource or runcode aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("Admin"), "resource.resourcename") also if you edited the acl.xml file you can click reload acl button in apm resource so you will not have to restart your server anyways i'm still thinking that admin acl rights have been modified can you post or upload the full acl.xml file?
  20. everything seems okay .. well you can try my acl permissions manager resource viewtopic.php?f=108&t=55347
  21. the admin group supposed to have admin acl with others like this name="Admin"> name="Moderator"/> name="SuperModerator"/> name="Admin"/> name="RPC"/> name="resource.admin"/> name="resource.webadmin"/> > here is the latest full acl http://pastebin.com/08sUwJMC
  22. make sure that admin resource added on admin group , also make sure that admin group has admin acl rights
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