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kashtesov last won the day on January 8 2020

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About kashtesov

  • Birthday 19/11/1992


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    Your sister ;)

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  1. Toplist is dead, or what? Throughout 3 days, count servers ahead not was changed. 07.07 i see 63 ahead. 08.07 i see 63 ahead. Now again i see 63 ahead. ?
  2. It's not my servers, but anyway,, I see servers name after refresh list, but when servers status and online was updated (after few secs) - name disappeared.
  3. Hm, anyone can answer why some servers not have name?
  4. What about more smoothly positions? local x, y = getElementPosition(getRandomPlayer()); for _i = 1, 300 do local i = _i / 10; local z = getGroundPosition(x + i, y); createObject(1337, x + i, y, z); local z = getGroundPosition(x - i, y); createObject(1337, x - i, y, z); local z = getGroundPosition(x, y + i); createObject(1337, x, y + i, z); local z = getGroundPosition(x, y - i); createObject(1337, x, y - i, z); end
  5. 6000х6000 ~1 hr 8000x8000 ~1.5hr CPU FX 6300, 6x3.6 GHz
  6. Here scanning 1x1 units, and in my way dont need save X,Y positions.
  7. Hi everyone! Release small, but maybe useful resource for servers with default map without any mapping. This resource allows for you use getGroundPosition (without Z axis) on server-side. How it works? All map heights wrotten to file, and resource just read it for get Z position. Not 100% accuracy, but anyway it works. What bugs you can detect with this resource? 1. Float positions will be always rounded to nearby integer. 2. If you remove world models, script dont know about that and will return position on removed object. 3. If you add new objects to map, script dont know about that and will return position on world object. How use that? exports.ground:getGroundPosition(x, y) Where it can be used? 1. Random airdrops? 2. Unbug script with random position nearby player? 3. Random forest generation on server-side? Future plans 1. Add method for check water in position. 2. Add method for get material in position. 3. Add method for get object info in position (world/custom, id) 4. Release script for capture map heights. Little demo Download link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JCYiKPRcv7a6Cw4g2MZgbsVEk3G6H_t8
  8. Topic author wrote about adding skins/vehicles/objects. Not about replacement textures ?.
  9. In latest MTA versions is possible to add new skins (not replace). But at the moment only skins. I hope next step will be is objects, not a vehicles. ? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineRequestModel
  10. kashtesov

    MTA:SA crashes

    It happened because split() method was broken, what was used in script for decode encrypted files... Problem solved after this commit (https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/commit/0fe7c5550bb8241dae443130800e97ace6ec2ee3) and a re-download of MTA update
  11. kashtesov

    MTA:SA crashes

    Hello. Finded a problem after updating MTA. On builds 18390 and 18409 i can't join to my servers, just a got crash. Previouslies builds works correct. 18409 CRASH 18390 CRASH 18332 OK 18331 OK 18317 OK 18310 OK 16921 OK 16720 OK 16628 OK It not only my problem, already have 5 players with with same issue. On https://buildinfo.mtasa.com/index.php i find nothing what can show scripts problems. MTADiag i think here is useless, because old versions works normal. So i write here, and tag @ccw (sorry) because i think only he can help with that. If need server adress for test:
  12. А ещё лучше не говнокодить с "if" и "elseif" там где этого не надо, и не вешать событие на root. local atmGUIMain = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, screenx, screeny, "atm.png", false); local exitGUIbtn = guiCreateStaticImage(screenx/1.1955, screeny/1.367, screenx/20.5, screeny/17, "button.png", false, atmGUIMain); guiSetVisible(atmGUIMain, false); bindKey("your key", "down", function() local newVisibleState = not guiGetVisible(atmGUIMain); guiSetVisible(atmGUIMain, newVisibleState); showCursor(newVisibleState); end); addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", exitGUIbtn, false, function() guiSetVisible(source, false); showCursor(false); end);
  13. sX*0.9, именно из-за этого всё и пошло поехало. Ибо ширина экранов разная. dxGetTextWidth позволяет получить ширину текста, может пригодиться. Или тот же же "km/h" центровать по левой стороне, а спидометр по правой.
  14. То и значит. Увы и ах, @MayQuick, но нет.
  15. local attachedTrailers = bus:getData("attachedTrailers") or {}; bus:attachTrailer(trailer1); table.insert(attachedTrailers, trailer1); bus:setData("attachedTrailers", attachedTrailers, {}, false); ... или сразу bus:attachTrailer(trailer1); bus:setData("attachedTrailers", attachedTrailers, {trailer1}, false); ... на удаление if vehs[source] and isElement(vehs[source]) then local attachedTrailers = bus:getData("attachedTrailers") or {}; for _, trailer in ipairs(attachedTrailers) do if (isElement(trailer)) then trailer:destroy(); end end vehs[source]:destroy(); end Ну как вариант, сварганить что-то подобное.
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