My question to some extent walks the line, in what would be considered a scripting question. However given the nature of this platform and MTA SA I think a greater understanding of this topic would be extremely valuable to many. As math forms the basis for the foundations of a great deal of things within video games in general, to avoid moving into TLDR territory.
My question is pretty simple I've placed markers plotting a path, around the Las Ventures Airport. (See the map below for a reference)
A car is placed south near the AT-400 hangar, and the points are order in a fashion that if each are followed sequentially. The car will loop this runway endlessly without human intervention.
From what I am aware the execution would function something like this. in dot points.
1. The car would check all points and select the one that is closest to the position of the vehicle.(Thus the car would proceed north towards the left turn)
2. The second stage would be setting orientation.
Step 2 is really were the problems stands for me personally how would the orientation system work. How would this be done and what form of math would allow for that. Generally what materials would be worth studying that could be useful in dealing with these issues?