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Posts posted by Thijzzy

  1. Jezus... come on guys,

    ok maybe computer expert wasn't the right term here... But i'm not a programmer, so still i don't understand all of the changes that are shown in these lists because they contain either vague information or terms that describe the changes made in the script, which I don't get since i'm no programmer. Nevertheless i'm glad to get some responses from you since this forum seemed to be pretty dead.

    But to come back to the point I started with, I only asked for a (basic) progress update report. This is what the developers did every 1-2 months already. Such a progress update report would be a lot more straight forward, for me but I think also for many others.


    ps: I already knew where I could find information about the roadmap, the changelog, the changes made to the script and the other basic things, I check this every now and then so I know for instance that the development for mta sa 1.0 is now at approximately 63% (last time I checked it was I believe)

    ps 2: sorry for any grammatical mistakes I may have made, i'm not English so please forgive me ;)

  2. Hello everyone ;)

    After having problems with installing MTA dp2.1 I finally found what my problem was, unfortunately there isn't a simple solution to the problem, maybe there isn't even one. The problem I have is that two computers (of which one is mine ofcourse) use the same hardware-ID. This hardware-ID is a serial number generated by the computer that mta uses to make sure that every computer can only register one account. Unfortunately these generated serial numbers are not always unique and that's where my problem came from.

    What I actually want to know is which parts of the hardware of a computer are used to generate a hardware-ID? In different words, what is the hardware-ID based on? When I know this I might come up with a solution to my problem, although I'm not sure it will solve the problem (but ofcourse you can always try :) ).


    ps. don't reply telling me that my problem isn't possible, because I know it for sure, it has been checked by IJs.

    ps. (2) please only reply if you know what you're talking about, correct me if I'm wrong with this text about the hardware-ID, but don't reply with useless messages plz.

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