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Enerv last won the day on August 25 2019

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  1. It's been a long time since our last activity, but don't worry - the project is developing and you can follow the current progress on the Discord server. We have prepared for you a Christmas gift in the form of open beta testing, which starts on 23.12.2019 at 20:00 CET and will last, until 30.12.2019, hurry! We have added a total of 16 vehicles that you can buy in a car showroom. 3 of them must be unlocked before you can buy them, looking for hidden parts that are on the map: Our community suggested setting up quick vehicle repair points at gas stations. According to the requests, 22 such places were added. There are 50 achievements in the game, and their number regularly increases with updates. During open tests you will be able to unlock them and the rewards in the form of CR (premium currency) will be saved after the official start - so it's worth getting them! On the occasion of Christmas, we have also introduced a special event that will be active throughout the testing period and will bring the christmas mood. Snow and presents! Look for snowmens after Los Santos and collect them before others! They appear regularly every 30 minutes. You can get up to $1000, 1000 RP as well as up to 100 CR! And probably the most anticipated update, 0.2.0, which includes 1 of 3 tuning workshops. It is a paint shop where you can change the colors of vehicles to metallic and pearl, put unique paints, change the color of lights, windows and mount neon lights. Other workshops will be added in future updates. Duels with other players have been improved, the height and angle are now calculated correctly. There are many achievements associated with them. Pursuits have also been improved since previous tests. There are rewards in the form of $ and RP for completing the challenge that is visible during the pursuit. They are generated randomly, and the value of the prize depends on the score points. Open tests will take place from December 23, 2019 to December 30, 2019 from 20:00 CET. Discord Server: https://nfsv.net/discord
  2. On August 29, 30 and 31 we would like to invite everyone to public software tests to optimize scripts and present the current progress of the project. Public beta testing will take place: - August 29 (18:00 GMT - 20:00 GMT) - August 30 (18:00 GMT - 21:00 GMT) - August 31 (18:00 GMT - 21:00 GMT) Available functions during tests: - Introduction at the airport, ride to the garage. - Selection of the first vehicle in the garage. - Limited functionality of the Lobby panel. - Police pursuits with the AI. - Duels in Free Ride mode with other players. Each person participating in the tests will receive a unique achievement that will not be obtainable in the final version. Don't worry, these are not the last tests, you will be informed about each next one.
  3. Pursuits with AI teaser ?
  4. What is Need for Speed: V? Need for Speed: V is an innovative racing server at Grand Theft Auto: V on the alt:V Multiplayer platform. The server is a reflection of the best parts from the NFS series of Electronic Arts publishers. Which NFS series does the server refer to? Underground (2003), Underground 2 (2004), Most Wanted (2005), Carbon (2006) Who we are? Our team consists of a group of friends with different interests and responsibilities. We create a project with passion, attention to details and maintaining the highest possible comfort and quality from the game itself. How to play on the server? At the moment, there is no such possibility. The server is being created, all changes and news will be announced on us Discord server. Keep up to date! Website nfsv.net Discord server discord.gg/dhqXAGD
  5. Zastanawiam się w jaki sposób mogę podmieniać teksturę dla danego obiektów z pliku JPG bądź PNG. Zrobiłem szybki research w sieci i znalazłem tylko wzmiankę o shaderach, ale nie wiem z czym to ugryźć. O ile sama zamiana modelu obiektu nie jest skomplikowana, to nie ukrywam, że temat wydaje mi się, być totalnie ciemny. Nie pogardzę przykładem podmieniania w grze tekstury obiektu na obraz z pliku, czy jakiegokolwiek nakierowania na właściwy tor. Wiem, że istnieje coś takiego i jest wykorzystywane to w praktyce na devGaming dla obiektów ścian i podłóg. Świetne rozwiązanie, aniżeli tworzenie nowych obiektów z domyślnie naniesioną teksturą i podmianą istniejących modeli. Zaoszczędzamy przy tym sporą liczbę obiektów do podmiany, a przy okazji jest to elastyczniejsze i bardziej funkcjonalne w praktyce. Dlatego też chciałbym odwołać się do tej metody w jednym z moich skryptów, nie mniej jednak moja niewiedza ogranicza mi ten zakres.
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