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Ok, I want to ask everybody who voted "yes" to cease all actions and just await what presents the MTA team has got for us in the next version (the faster serverbrowser, for instance). The threat alert will be at normal level soon.
I am not accusing you of anything, i am just sharing my opinion here, and you just seem to be very upset that i do so, sir you need to keep your anger a little to yourself. And i am not discriminating anything, i am just giving my opinion and advice, i never said to take anything as seriously as you do. If what you're going to write shouldn't be labeled as serious you better not write at all. You can do non-serious things at very many other places. And you still haven't given me the answer on my question. Can you do that now or do you still have to think of a big story to get around the real problem, like Mr. Telepath does?
Why is randomization of the serverlist not the answer? And why is discrimination the answer, according to you? I advice the MTA team to stop discriminate people based on marks. Stop trying to wire the opposition's mouth! This poll isn't getting closed just because you see the opposition gets most votes. You're accusing me of things without giving facts. Tell me what is "fine" about the serverlist discriminating new servers? Absolutely nobody would agree with discrimination UNLESS you benefit from it yourself. I bet that's the case with all of the protestors out here. If not, tell me why discrimination is absolutely fine.
Then why do you agree with mr. Telepath that popular servers (according to mr. Telepath and you popular servers are GOOD servers) will suffer from the equal and non-discriminating serverlist? And again: it doesn't make sense at all. It's NOT about BORING/GOOD/XXX servers, its about equal chances for ALL servers . Stop talking about nothing and focus on the real problem.
If you reply here because of the person who started the topic you already are at the wrong address. People voting and replying here are doing that because they feel discriminated and want to solve this problem (except varez). Stop telling people to XXX if XXX. For the last time: more active servers are NOT on top. The oldest servers are on top. That's a huge difference. So you really think it's not a problem that new servers are discriminated? I see why you have chosen for option 2. You don't even have the right so speak as you're not a community member nor server owner. Because I'm always nice to everybody unlike some other persons here, I will take some time to answer your (false) accusations and (false) arguments. Please look up what "democracy" stands for. We don't want a democratic serverlist, we want an equal and non-discriminating serverlist. Again, because I'm here to defend the rights of the discriminated in our society, I will take time to reply. Really, nobody of the "against" people (people who approve widespread discrimination) do their homework before replying. Servers are NOT ordered based on how active/popular/XXX they are. They are ordered based on how OLD they are. OLD = TOP, NEW = BOTTOM. Your speech about "cloned" gamemodes doesn't make sense at all, its TOTALLY NOT what the problem is about. Stop trying to influence people with false arguments and big stories... Current player base of what? Servers? Of course it will. New servers will be at top now and then and will receive more new players because of that. There's nothing negative to old servers because they have EQUAL chances. So I don't get why you are talking about "popular" servers - all servers are equal for us so they get equal chances. You're saying that servers with good scripts will suffer from this randomization, equality and non-discrimination. Why? They will have equal chances: new or old. Everybody will benefit, and especially servers with good scripts because more players will join and become regulars because the script is good. What you want is that only already popular (= NOT GOOD, BUT OLD!) servers should get players. That's discrimination. What has communism got to do with the randomization of a serverlist? And corruption? You're talking about irrelevant stories all the time. And again: NOT GOOD, but OLD servers are at the top. NOT BAD, but NEW servers are at the bottom. You don't have any idea what you are talking about. In every (false, non-factual) argument you give you don't even get the problem (again, problem = NEW: bottom - OLD: top, not anything else!!!), so why should we take this serious? No, you can't give any true factual arguments - just take a look at your own post, its full of irrelevant crap and personal opinions. Stop talking nonsense! Invalid, non-factual argument count: every word you said (you broke the record, congratulations)
Mr. Ransom, why shouldn't the serverlist be randomized? It doesn't matter if you sort the list on ping, players or whatever: the oldest servers are always first shown. That is the problem, not any filters, not anything else. Do you understand that? So why shouldn't we take out that inequality as well and randomize the list every X minutes? I expect a great reply from the only person with some good theories with supported arguments (however it's sad your theories don't have anything to do with the problem I'm pointing at). I would like to redirect you to viewtopic.php?f=102&t=29594 for any further discussion and please vote if you think something should be done about it, or if you think inequality and discrimination is totally ok. It's your choice
I never said we should “reverse” the list. Why did you leave out ? It is a strong argument against your theory as well as that your theory isn’t factual. (false argument count: 1) What you said before: You are clearly saying that I don’t have any idea about the current system. I do, its not random. That’s a fact. And it seems you agree with that, so why did you tell me that “you really don’t get the idea of initial sorting that game-monitor.com is doing” – its totally not relevant to the problem. (false argument count: 2) Somebody from the MTA team. You seem to not trust my words at all. Why should I trust yours? I want respect to come from both sides, and as you’re a moderator (if you’re going to attack me on where you would have said that: read your own post) you especially should not be this aggressive to others trying to fix a problem. If you finally NOT remove your quotes from my quotes… you’d already know the answer. Why are you doing this? The only reason I can think of is hiding the words you said to make it look like as if I’m coming up with things that weren’t said. You have the ability to explain in your reply (if you want of course). Again, you have said: That can’t be checked. It’s your theory but it’s not a fact. (false argument count: 3)Why do you still cut the part where I’m giving arguments against your ridiculous (false) arguments and (false) accusations? Do you agree the poll is fair now? I clearly explained it (you didn’t quote unfortunately, why not?) but I can do it again if you want. BTW, it doesn’t surprise me that half of your post is based on re-personally attacking me after I “insulted” you 1 time (after you personally attacked me twice). According to your own theory you seem to have ran out of arguments…
Stop telling me what to do. You try to push your opinion through all of this forum, not everybody takes that (at least I don't). Grow up. As i said in this topic - less than month is needed to make your good server to be on the top. That's not a factual argument. Its what you have experienced, it doesn't have to be the same for everyone. And it changes nothing of the fact that the list is unfair and discriminating. This is just a lie. Servers are moving through the list, you really don't get the idea of initial sorting that game-monitor.com is doing. Maybe go to their site and find some informations? There should be something about that. No, its not randomly sorted. Stop giving false arguments (count: 1) Problem 2 is a lie too. Game-monitor is removing inactive servers after some time. You have to run your server for at least 24h to get it added to their list because they don't want temporary servers on their list. They also give you time to be down (due to connection/power/technical problem for example). You don't want your top server to be removed from list only because there was connection problem on your server for 3 hours!? But if it will stay like that for few days - they will remove you. Everything is well-thought for keeping the list clean and.. fair. This will need involving additional server from MTA team to organize the list. Your MTA client is downloading server list directly from game-monitor.com. Client-side randomization each time list is fully loaded IS possible (but would be annoying as hell!). More of my thoughts are in this topic. No, it has been confirmed that its not. Stop giving false arguments (count: 2) It's not fictional. Your arguments are non-factual. The list is not randomized, thats a fact, anyone can check if its true or not. What you're saying can't be checked so it's not a fact. Don't tell me my reasons behind posting this. I have never posted a reason, I only said I noticed this discrimination.Stop giving false arguments (count: 3) Besides, this is not about popular/unpopular servers. This is about equal chances. Your IQ must be very low. You can't or don't even read what I'm saying. All you're doing is giving non-factual arguments and calling me names. Who is the one yelling? No, this poll is completely fair. It addresses a problem, and problems are to be solved, not to be shouted away. Yes/yes is not the same as yes/no. What you say is: "No, the current list is unfair. We should not randomize the list, unfair listing is ok. We should not delete non-existing servers from the list, we want the server browser take as long as possible to list all servers." That's not the same as: "Yes, the current list is unfair. We should randomize the list, so all servers have equal chances. We should also delete non-existing servers from the list, because that speeds up the server browser." There's no other answers possible. You must agree that the list is unfair (it is a fact). If you can't agree with that you better not vote at all. After having agreed with that you can tell us your opinion, you either think it should be changed to a fair system or you think discrimination and inequality is completely right. -- Let me know express my view on you, you owe me that one after having done 3 times on me now: You're a right-wing idiot only thinking about your own "popular" server and you're attacking the weak for saying something about this discrimination. Be social to others! You're completely sick if you think this list is 100% fair. We should go to the police and trial you for this completely ridicilous comments and your approval of discrimination based on marks.
Problem 1 I noticed the server list is currently ordered in the following way: - servers that went online first (= oldest servers) are at the top of the list - servers that went online later (= newer servers) are somewhere between the top and bottom of the list - servers that just went online (= newest servers) are at the bottom of the list In short: the oldest servers are always at the top, and the newest always at the bottom. The current list is unfair. How come? The server list is based on this theory, and it's not randomly shuffled so it will stay exactly like this. Example? Your friend started a server 2 years ago. You have just started one. Your friend's server is most likely one of the oldest MTA servers out there, so it will be somewhere near the top. However, your server is relatively new so it will be at the bottom. What's bad about this then? It's not really bad. It's just unprofessional. New servers will get less players, so if you have a great serverscript you will either have to wait for a long time or be happy with a few players. Will this ever change? No, it will not, because the list is not randomly shuffled. Your server will always be at the bottom! (until new ones get added, of course) Problem 2 I noticed the serverlist does not delete non-existing servers. How come? It's the Game-Monitor theory: servers added will not be removed. The system doesn't use some sort of announce at X interval theory, if it would then only active servers would be listed and non-active (or non-existing) removed automatically (because they don't announce anymore). What's bad about this then? This means the serverlist takes more time to complete, because the client still has to query all these once-added servers that don't even exist anymore. This in turn discriminates active servers because they will appear later. Solution (for both problems) The serverlist should be randomly shuffled each X minutes. This way servers will have a unique position that changes over time. There will not be any discrimination of new servers anymore (all servers have the same chance of being seen, as the list is random). The serverlist should also remove non-existing/non-active servers. It's up to the MTA team to decide how to do that, but the announce theory I described a few lines up is most likely the easiest way. IF YOU CHOOSE OPTION "NO" PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY YOU THINK WE SHOULD KEEP DISCRIMINATION AND KEEP THIS UNFAIR AND SLOWLY SLOW GETTING LIST! * Notice "the current list unfair" on both "yes/no" options. The current list is INDEED unfair in any way, nothing can be changed about that by saying yes or no (it's a true fact, not an opinion).
Nope, I wasn't creating any polls through ppl, I just have seen many of my friends doing this on various multiplayer games. It's logical - who wants to play on empty server or with mega lag? The "natural reaction" is to sort by players count or ping Discrimination is everywhere. MTA is not working on Mac's for example. For USA this could be even more than 1% - from what I can read over the internet. Also I wouldn't use the word "discrimination" to describe default server sorting on multiplayer game. I think many people use the search filter to e.g. search for "dm" or "race". Servers at the bottom will not gather any players this way. We can call it discrimination because that's what it is. New servers are treated differently from older servers. That's not a good base to build on. It has been confirmed that it is. I'm not saying people don't use the filters so I do not have to give proof for that. You're saying any order doesn't make much difference but thats exactly what the master server is currently doing. It orders based on servers' age. What you mean is a random order (= no order) is the best.
You can still see the problem here... The servers at top will have the most players (usually), and if other players sort by player count... And do you have any hard facts of the % of people sorting it on their own? Even if it would be 99%, thats still no excuse to discriminate the other 1%. Discrimination seems to continue..
The problem I noticed the server list is currently ordered in the following way: - servers that went online first (= oldest servers) are at the top of the list - servers that went online later (= newer servers) are somewhere between the top and bottom of the list - servers that just went online (= newest servers) are at the bottom of the list In short: the oldest servers are always at the top, and the newest always at the bottom. How come? The server list is based on this theory, and it's not randomly shuffled so it will stay exactly like this. Example? Your friend started a server 2 years ago. You have just started one. Your friend's server is most likely one of the oldest MTA servers out there, so it will be somewhere near the top. However, your server is relatively new so it will be at the bottom. What's bad about this then? It's not really bad. It's just unprofessional. New servers will get less players, so if you have a great serverscript you will either have to wait for a long time or be happy with a few players. Will this ever change? No, it will not, because the list is not randomly shuffled. Your server will always be at the bottom! (until new ones get added, of course) The solution The serverlist should be randomly shuffled each X minutes. This way servers will have a unique position that changes over time. There will not be any discrimination of new servers anymore (all servers have the same chance of being seen, as the list is random). What do I want / what can you do? I would like the opinion of as much people as possible. If you disagree with the problem/solution, please comment why. If you agree, don't hesitate to show you're there as well. Together we can realize it and stop discrimination.
For example, it doesn't work under a certain delay amount (sometimes 100ms, another time 1000ms - varies), and doesn't work without a timer at all.
Needs to be done like this to set the cam behind player: setCameraTarget(player) setTimer(setCameraTarget, 1000, 1, player) and then still doesn't work all times. That's why a dedicated function would be better
setCameraBehindPlayer(player) - ability to set camera directly behind a player. Can be done using setCameraTarget at the moment, but unfortunately that method does not always work and requires a timer.