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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. Drakath


    I changed it to mp3 and seems like it works fine now. Should I report the .wav bug? I'm running Windows 8.
  2. Drakath


    I recorded a video so you can hear it yourself.
  3. Drakath


    Dude, I'm not asking how to set the sound volume. My sound sometimes plays INCORRECTLY, it plays a chirping noise instead of the sound.
  4. Drakath


    function asdf() playSound("http://mywebsite.com/sound.wav") end addCommandHandler("haha", asdf)
  5. Drakath


    I know how to reduce the volume but that's not my question. I want to know why instead of playing my sound, it plays some sort of chirping noise. Code: playSound("http://mywebsite.com/sound.wav")
  6. Drakath


    I use playSound from a URL. The problem is that sometimes when that sound is played, I can only hear very loud frizzling. Sound is in .waw format. How can I fix it?
  7. It worked, peds now spawn on rooftops instead of getting desynced! You are awesome, thank you It's kind of weird though, I always thought that the server is more reliable in setting the coordinates.
  8. They still get desynced. In a few minutes there were already about 20 desynced peds on the sideways.
  9. There is no such thing in MTA yet but I guess it is possible to script it.
  10. I made a simple script that spawns peds around you. It seems like peds never get desynced when playing on flat surface as the airport. However, when I play on a bumpy surface like San Fierro, many peds get desynced. It seems like desynced peds always spawn on the sideways, I never seen a desynced pedestrian on the street. This probably means that they end up on sideways by falling under the ground. I don't know how it is possible since I use getGroundPosition. I know many scripts like the most popular script in the community (zombies script) somehow avoid desynced zombies. Does anyone know how I can do that in my script? Server: addEvent("makeped", true) function makeped (x, y, z) if math.random(1,2) == 1 then x = x + math.random(15,40) else x = x + math.random(-40,-15) end if math.random(1,2) == 1 then y = y + math.random(15,40) else y = y + math.random(-40,-15) end local ped = createPed (290, x, y, z+5, 0) setElementSyncer(ped, client) end addEventHandler("makeped", root, makeped) Client: function haha() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) triggerServerEvent("makeped", resourceRoot, x, y, getGroundPosition(x, y, z)) end setTimer(haha,math.random(2000,5000),0)
  11. Thanks, I didn't notice any changes in my pedestrians but I guess my script is more efficient now.
  12. Thanks for posting the obvious part but can you apply the mathematical functions to those arguments?
  13. You did not understood me. This makes a ped look at you: setPedRotation(ped, (360 - math.deg(math.atan2((x - px), (y - py)))) % 360) I want the same result using setElementRotation
  14. What's the magic formula to make a ped look at localPlayer with setElementRotation?
  15. Oh well. I hope setPedChoking will be added to client-side sometime.
  16. It returns false when choking.
  17. You can't use setPedChoking on client peds.
  18. I need to make some client peds choke but setPedChoking is server-side. Is there an animation for this? If yes, please tell the name.
  19. I think you understood me wrong. I scripted everything correctly and it works but sometimes when player hasn't finished downloading the client script, this error appears for him. How can I check if the download of my client script is finished and loaded?
  20. Nonsense. You can set the same interior to as many houses as you want.
  21. How can I prevent this error: "Server triggered clientside event eventName, but event is not added clientside" with onMarkerHit which triggers a client event?
  22. Drakath

    Objects view

    Thank you, freezing the player worked. I haven't tried fading the camera but it might work too.
  23. Drakath

    Objects view

    I have a script that creates an object and setCameraMatrix to view it. However when I exit that view the script does this: setCameraTarget(localPlayer). And when the camera is set back to player, player falls under the map. I reported this issue here: http://bugs.multitheftauto.com/view.php?id=8736 But does anyone know a workaround for this? function test1() setCameraMatrix(-1660, 1218, 100, -1658, 1209, 22) end addCommandHandler("test1", test1) function test2() setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end addCommandHandler("test2", test2)
  24. When you created the house, you probably were in a different dimension than the marker. Set your dimension the same as the dimension you defined in the house creation panel.
  25. In what programming language is MTA sever written for Linux operating system?
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