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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. Everything is client-side: bindKey("h", "down", myFunction, source) source is a marker. function myFunction(marker) outputChatBox(marker) if isElement(marker) then doSomething() end end This function outputs "h" and doesn't pass my marker so doSomething() is not executed. Why?
  2. Seems like many other people had the same problem: https://bugs.multitheftauto.com/view.php?id=8346 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=8482 They said that it is some sort of mathematical problem with MTA 1.4, I'll remove my back weapons script. Perhaps it will be fixed in the next MTA version.
  3. So is this a MTA 1.4 bug? It worked fine in the earlier versions.
  4. But the debug still shows a resource name of other compiled script errors. What's wrong with this one?
  5. Nah, it just won't be as smooth and nice as it is with onClientRender. Maybe I shouldn't try to apply it for all players? What if it was for localPlayer only? @arezu I did try it a long time ago, here's what I got: http://i43.tinypic.com/2eo8qhw.jpg
  6. Maybe it's some sort of error in MTA? I mean it should always show a resource name in the debug.
  7. onClientRender, it uses processLineOfSight for each player to calculate where the ray hits. I create a laser dot in that spot. There is no other way around unless removing the laser dot and making dxDrawLine3D very long. So I will ask again, is it worth removing this feature (laser dot) just to remove processLineOfSight from my script?
  8. I don't think timer would be sufficient in this case. My script uses dxDrawLine3D.
  9. Apparently, it's not. I need the exact position where the ray hits.
  10. I made a really awesome script but it uses processLineOfSight onClientRender and I have just read that processLineOfSight can have a bad impact on user's performance. Is it really that bad and is it worth removing a feature because of this?
  11. I think onDebugMessage only returns server debug messages. The one I posted is client.
  12. I often get this client error: ERROR: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) Why doesn't it show the resource name? Is there a way to find what resource causes it?
  13. Drakath

    IP address

    Looks fine to me: http://i.imgur.com/foeOh5J.png I'll contact support about this.
  14. I use a server-side event handler which triggers stuff in client-side so I can't remove that event handler. The other two functions you suggested are already there. Please note that these weapons do not hang in the air when a player leaves. They just get unattached for a few seconds and then come back to the player.
  15. Alright, I rewrote the whole script to client-side but I still have the same problem I'm pretty sure it's something with the bone_attach
  16. Drakath

    IP address

    I added a DNS redirection for s.epicrow.net but when I enter mtasa://s.epicrow.net:22003 to MTA, it doesn't even try to connect to it. It just immediately says: Error CC21 Connecting failed. Invalid host provided! My DNS redirection type is: to a server (IPv4 - A) What did I do wrong?
  17. Does onPedWeaponSwitch work for players? I tried adding this function: function weaponSwitch ( previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID ) outputChatBox("A ped switched weapons from " .. previousWeaponID .. " to " .. currentWeaponID .. "!") end addEventHandler ( "onPedWeaponSwitch", getRootElement(), weaponSwitch ) but it didn't output anything when I was switching my weapons.
  18. What is the maximum number of peds being streamed by a player at once? Is there a way to increase that number?
  19. Drakath

    IP domain

    How can I change my server's IP to a text IP. For example: mtasa://example.com:22003 Is there a guide to this?
  20. Drakath


    But I mean if I use the local lPlayer, system will store it and use the memory. If I use localPlayer, system will check for local player and use CPU. Am I right?
  21. Drakath


    local lPlayer = localPlayer What is more efficient? 1. Use lPlayer over 10 times 2. Use localPlayer 10 times?
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