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  1. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Where i put that?
  2. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Read my previous post. You can make it yourself and be proud at the same time. Its not work... http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/9240/lolje1.png
  3. Touho

    How i can 2?

    I want players spawns here: http://i26.tinypic.com/o0npzb.png. Script please?
  4. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Yeah, more... Hmm. How i can in broph mod change the spawn location? All times player spawns in same place.
  5. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Why MTA cannot save cords?
  6. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Second question... How i can make the picture in the centre of screen? Bad english...
  7. Touho

    How i can 2?

    Again... How i can delete HUD in my server?
  8. Touho

    How i can?

    Thanks! But how i can save co-ords?
  9. Touho

    How i can?

    Lol... How i can get positions? I want change the player and cars spawn location. How i can? Sorry for bad english..
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