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Posts posted by TIMMEH!

  1. Why is the lock on feature disabled? Without it, shooting moving targets is frustrating, especially if they are circle strafing you. This is just another reason why the numbers of players playing GTA multiplayer mods are dying. With how many hits it takes to kill a player, combat is a f---ing chore! Don't you people learn anything!? A shotgun blast a point blank should almost be an instant kill. It shoudn't have to take a full 17 bullet clip from a 9mm to kill a single person that doesn't even have body armor!

  2. I've played on some samp servers where they have over 50 commands and if you are looking for one you have to type in /commands then type a category then maybe yet another category then type the freakin command. The whole thing just plain stupid. There are many reasons why games like WoW are so much more popular than these multiplayer mods. One of them is the quick menus. Has anyone ever thought of adding in some quick menus that appear when you press a key?

  3. The deathmatch for mta:sa will have improved greatly on the sync problems. This should make it easier to sync the npcs. Maybe you should wait and try adding them in for that? As for spawning them all over the map, an easier way might be to figure out how to make them only appear within a certain radius of each player. And then if the npcs could be removed when the players in the area leave or die. It would be awesome to see some npcs in mta so you don't have to travel like 10 blocks to kill something. If spawning npcs with players all over the map is a problem then maybe someone could make a mode with less players that have to stick fairly close together like in 2p mode on the ps2. Or better yet, if the game servers can handle it, a sort of team deathmatch game where players choose a team. One player on each team could be the leader so other players on that team spawn and have to stay within a certain distance of the leader. Then the groups could roam around fight when they meet each other. That would make mta ultra popular and great for lan games.

  4. What would happen to internet gaming and 3rd party multi player modifications like MTA and SA-MP?

    If online gaming disappeared, gamers worldwide would break out into a blind rage and riot like there's no tomorrow. In the end, we'd be back in the stone age.

    Here's a visual aid for those that have difficulty understanding the English language.



  5. Jeez! The deathmatch servers are completely empty! The only ones still being used is the rpg servers like argonath but that one is gay and boring and those power-drunk dickheads they call admins only take away even more from the fun. How about someone suggest a deathmatch server that we all go play on?

  6. Unfortunately npcs will never appear because it's apparently extremely difficult to do and you really can't have good in synced npcs when mta:vc is so unstable and the the mta team refuses to even entertain the thought of npcs ever being in mta. You're not the only one who is a little pissed off about this. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the majority of the players who come to this site are disappointed with it. If you want a little more fun in single player, download some mods.

  7. This program is awesome! It even uses emotes!LOL!!!!

    BILLY> what is your name?


    BILLY> where do you live?

    USER> in front of my computer

    BILLY> bye!

    TIMMEH> fine, bye asshole

    BILLY> see you later!

    TIMMEH> not fukkin likely

    BILLY> what's your favorite sport?


    BILLY> what's your favorite book?


    BILLY> what's your favorite movie?


    BILLY> i would like to hear more about you, timmeh.

    TIMMEH> Yeah, well too bad. You can't handle the truth!

    BILLY> actually, my girlfriend has the truth.

    TIMMEH> you don't have a girlfriend, you're a computer program idiot.

    BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer!

    TIMMEH> hey...you...you suck!

    BILLY> you never bye have a girlfriend, you are a computer program idiot.

    TIMMEH> are you broken already?

    BILLY> yeah, i am i no.

    TIMMEH> I'll take that as a yes

    BILLY> were we even talking about a yes?

    TIMMEH> wutdafuk are YOU talking about?

    BILLY> wish i was... really i do!

    TIMMEH> uhh...what?

    BILLY> in front of my computer.

    TIMMEH> this is MY computer asshole! not yours!

    BILLY> is your computer broken?

    TIMMEH> It's working just fine, but I think you are broken.

    BILLY> sometimes you just have to be broken!

    TIMMEH> riiiight. =/

    BILLY> -1.#ind

    TIMMEH> now you're really broken

    BILLY> i guess you could say that.

    TIMMEH> yep

    BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer!

    TIMMEH> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! wah wah wah!

    BILLY> yes, and of no proud of it! :(

    TIMMEH> I hurt a computer program's feelings. I'm very proud of it! =P

    BILLY> am, i will bye.

    TIMMEH> Goodbye. *cough* loser! *cough*

    BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer!

    TIMMEH> hey, you're the one talking to a computer! wah wah wah!

    BILLY> how should i even take that?

    TIMMEH> how should i eve take that?

    BILLY> i'll take that as a yes.

    TIMMEH> whatever you say dumbass

    BILLY> hey, you're the one talking to a computer!

    TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me

    BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me.

    TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me



    BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me.

    TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me



    BILLY> wah wah wah! bite me.

    TIMMEH> wah wah wah! bite me



    BILLY> i last talked to you today

    TIMMEH> i last talked to you today

    BILLY> same goes for me.

    TIMMEH> same goes for you

    BILLY> ;)

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*

    BILLY> *waves middle finger*.

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*



    BILLY> *waves middle finger*.

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*

    BILLY> :(

    TIMMEH> =D

    BILLY> *waves middle finger*.

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*



    BILLY> *waves middle finger*.

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*



    BILLY> *waves middle finger*. ;)

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger* X-P

    BILLY> :)

    TIMMEH> >=D

    BILLY> *waves middle finger*.

    TIMMEH> *waves middle finger*


    TIMMEH> I'm bored. Goodbye.

    BILLY> stop talking about youself...


  8. Yeah, how about a bomb vest too? That would be kinda funny. Hey, anyone remember that mission in GTA3 where the Yardies trap you it a parking lot and then all these drugged up suicide bombers run at you yelling "present for you TNT! hahahaha come to daddy hahahaha"?

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