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Posts posted by Marty-Bond

  1. Hello Im Marty-Bond New Leader Of The Bond Family I need Someones Help Their Is A Hacker Who Keeps Coming Into My Server And Crashing It Every 2-3 Secs PLEASE HELP I WANNA KILL SOMEONE

  2. CoZ, you can read codes... even if it isn't in code tags :P

    Here is a good code:

      if ($mta.name($1,$2) != MTAPlayer) {
       mta.say $1 $chr(124) Welcome To The Bond Family RPG & DM Server $chr(124)
       mta.say $1 $chr(124) The Current Weather Is: $mta.weather($1,$2) $+ . $chr(124)
       mta.say $1 $chr(124) Market Status $chr(124) Market: $readini(stockdata.ini,marketstatus,marketstatus)) $chr(124) $chr(124) Resell: $readini(stockdata.ini,resellstatus,resellstatus)) $chr(124)
       if ($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),Lead == Leader)) mta.say $1 $chr(124) Bond Synce Accepted Welcome Bond Leader $chr(124)
       if ($rpg.isclan($1,$2) == $true) mta.say $1 $chr(124) Bond Synce Accepted $chr(124)  
       .timer 1 5 mta.msg $1 $2 For Script Help Type: !help
     else {
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Please Change Your Name And Return.
       .timer 1 1 mta.kick $1 $2

    Nice It Works Now Thank You.

  3. Ok I Did What You Said But Still Doesn`t Work...

    if ($mta.name($1,$2) == MTAPlayer) {

    mta.say $1 $chr(124) Welcome To The Bond Family RPG & DM Server $chr(124)

    mta.say $1 $chr(124) The Current Weather Is: $mta.weather($1,$2) $+ . $chr(124)

    mta.say $1 $chr(124) Market Status $chr(124) Market: $readini(stockdata.ini,marketstatus,marketstatus)) $chr(124) $chr(124) Resell: $readini(stockdata.ini,resellstatus,resellstatus)) $chr(124)

    if ($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),Lead == Leader)) mta.say $1 $chr(124) Bond Synce Accepted Welcome Bond Leader $chr(124)

    if ($rpg.isclan($1,$2) == $true) mta.say $1 $chr(124) Bond Synce Accepted $chr(124)

    .timer 1 5 mta.msg $1 $2 For Script Help Type: !help


    else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Please Change Your Name And Return. | .timer 1 1 mta.kick $1 $2


  4. Im Trying Ta Make This Script So MTAPlayer Will Be Kicked And The Messages Wont Appear, My Problem Is That It Kick`s EveryOne That Enter`s The Server!

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{

    if ($mta.name($1,$2) == James-Bond) {

    if ($mta.name($1,$2) == MTAPlayer) {

    mta.say $1 || Welcome To The Bond Family RPG & DM Server ||

    mta.say $1 || The Current Weather Is: $mta.weather($1,$2) $+ . ||

    mta.say $1 || Market Status || Market: $readini(stockdata.ini,marketstatus,marketstatus)) || Resell: $readini(stockdata.ini,resellstatus,resellstatus)) ||

    if ($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),Lead == Leader)) mta.say $1 || Bond Synce Accepted Welcome Bond Leader ||

    if ($rpg.isclan($1,$2) == $true) mta.say $1 || Bond Synce Accepted ||

    .timer 1 5 mta.msg $1 $2 For Script Help Type: !help


    else mta.say $1 You Are Banned From Bond Forever You Shit Head. | .timer 1 1 mta.kick $1 $2


    else mta.say $1 Please Change Your Name And Return | .timer 1 1 mta.kick $1 $2


  5. have the property name in an ini or hash table exactly as it is in mta.ini with the price, then when your on the property, check the ini or hash table and if its there, then it can be bought, if not, its not for sale

    easiest way to do this would probably be make a command that puts a price on a property so that it adds it and the price to the ini or hash table so that the name of the property is exact as you may make mistake rewriting it

    I tryed But Still Nothing

  6. Your best bet is to make your own, what you are asking for is a pretty big script takes time.

    Um Making A market Script Takes 2 seconds Its much easier Then a RPG i wrote my own Punk If u Would Like My Original Contact Me On Msn At [email protected]

  7. Lets see your !cash script its most likely the mistake has to do where its writing.

    um does cops & Robbers even have that?

  8. if ($3 == !sellweed) {

    if $rpg.area($1,$2) == Malibu {

    if ($readini(stockdata.ini,weedstash,$mta.name($1,$2))) < 1) {

    !writeini -n $+("rpg.ini") balance $mta.name($1,$2) Cash $calc($readini(rpg.ini,balance,$mta.name($1,$2)) + $readini(stockdata.ini,weedcost,weedcost)))}

    !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) + $readini(stockdata.ini,weedcost,weedcost) $calc($readini(stockdata.ini,weedamount,$mta.name($1,$2)) * $4))}

    !writeini -n $+("stockdata.ini") weedamount $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(stockdata.ini,weedamount,$mta.name($1,$2)) * $4))}

    mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Has Sold All His Weed.


    else mta.say $1 You Dont Have Any Weed To Sell


    else mta.say $1 You Must Be At Malibu To SellWeed!


    OK this is what i have ive tryed at leased 50-100 different ways to get cash for the amount of weed u sell

    Plz Help

  9. how the heck do you add new areas to the rpg.data.ini?

    i want to put new locations to buy but the co-ods in the file are confusing.

    plz tell me how

    its easy just use !point

  10. This works but dosent take or subtract cash just stays the same and if u buy over how much u have it says -50000 is their a way to fix this?

    if $3 == !buyWeed {

    if $rpg.area($1,$2) == Ocean-View {

    if $rpg.cash($1,$2) > 0 ($calc($readini(rpg.ini,balance,$mta.name($1,$2))) < $readini(stockdata.ini,Weedcost,Weedcost)) {

    !writeini -n $+("rpg.ini") cash $mta.name($1,$2), cash $calc($readini(stockdata.ini,balance,$mta.name($1,$2)) - $readini(stockdata.ini,weedcost,weedcost)))}

    !writeini -n $+("stockdata.ini") Weedamount $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(stockdata.ini,Weedamount,$mta.name($1,$2))+1))}

    mta.msg $1 $2 $mta.name($1,$2) Has $readini(stockdata.ini,Weedamount,$mta.name($1,$2)) Ounches Of Weed.


    else mta.say $1 You Dont Have Enough Money For Weed


    else mta.say $1 You Must Be At Ocean-View To Buy Weed


    if ($3 == !sellWeed) {

    if $rpg.area($1,$2) == Malibu {

    if ($readini(stockdata.ini,weedstash,$mta.name($1,$2))) < 1) {

    !writeini -n $+("rpg.ini") balance $mta.name($1,$2) Cash $calc($readini(rpg.ini,balance,$mta.name($1,$2)) + $readini(stockdata.ini,Weedcost,Weedcost)))}

    !writeini -n $+("stockdata.ini") Stash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(rpg.ini,WeedStash,$mta.name($1,$2)) - $readini(stockdata.ini,stash,stash)))}

    !writeini -n $+("stockdata.ini") weedamount $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(stockdata.ini,weedamount,$mta.name($1,$2)) - $readini(stockdata.ini,stash,stash)))}

    mta.say $1 $2 $mta.name($1,$2) Has Sold Every Ounches of Weed.


    else mta.say $1 You Dont Have Any Weed To Sell


    else mta.say $1 You Must Be At Malibu To Sell Weed


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