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Everything posted by Preston4321
A bit of a silly question about the DM mod
Preston4321 replied to Lággy's topic in General discussion
I LIKE THIS ONE LOLOLOL Lethal + Train = Flat Player. (Train) that would own! -
just make the scripts and show it to us if they dont work atleast try thats wut i did u cant always realy on people makeing scripts for you. So try and make it then show us it if it dosnt work ok,
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
idk wuts wrong with it im just gonna close this project if anybody figures it out and gets it working if you could please tell me thx. -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
ok well its working now but it just says No-One even when me and my friend tested it. We both went into a vehicle and then got out then went into the other vehicle and it still said No-One. if you could help me thx. -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
lol thx man becasue somtimes I-R-NOOB! -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
alias part: alias rpg.lastdriver !return $iff($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),$v1,No-One) MTA Signal enter part were i call it: } else mta.msg $1 $2 Vehicle: $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name -Price: $chr(36) $+ $rpg.carprice($1,$2) Vehicle Health: $mta.health($1,$2).vehicle $+ $chr(37) $chr(91) $+ $str(|,$ceil($calc($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle /10))) $+ $chr(93) $+ . LastDriver: $rpg.lastdriver($1,$2) . Owner: Nobody } Finaly the MTA Signal Exit Part: on *:SIGNAL:mta.exit:{ !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" lastdriver $mta.vehicle($1,$2) $mta.name($1,$2) $+(!.timerkill,.,$1,.,$2) off if $calc($rpg.petrol($1,$3) - $calc($calc($ctime - $rpg.entertime($1,$3)) / 10)) < 0 { !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" petrol $3 0 } else !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" petrol $3 $calc($rpg.petrol($1,$3) - $calc($calc($ctime - $rpg.entertime($1,$3)) / 10)) } -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
ok let me try... ok heres wut im still getting ** Admin PM send: Vehicle: Deluxo -Price: $1642 Vehicle Health: 68% [|||||||]. LastDriver: . Owner: Nobody -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
nope it dosnt work if sombody can please help me thx. -
Last Driver Help Please (***edit: Still not fixed as of 10PM
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
thx man ill try it now. -
Ok heres wut the problem is, when I enter the vehicle it just sas LastDriver: . even tho ive alread been in the car and stuff, now heres wut ive made: The alies for calling it by $rpg.lastdriver and im not sure if it would be $rpg.lastdriver with the ($1,$2) at the end or not couse realy i dont know wut the $1 $2 $3 $4 mean: alias rpg.lastdriver !return $iff($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),$readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini,lastdriver,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)),No-One) The writeini for when you exit the vehicle it will add it to the ini: !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" lastdriver $mta.vehicle($1,$2) $mta.name($1,$2) The thing of wut it sas when you enter the car (*NOTE I did not add the whole mta.msg and rest of this part because I have added stuff I realy dont want out): LastDriver: $rpg.lastdriver
well make it you lazy f***
download oli and jax's rpg script read it and either use it or copy and paste also get tutorials.
no no no that part is fine but like idk way when i try to sell the car it sas the owner is Sunshine autos and in the ini it sas [sold] with nuttin under it.
Ok so everything is cleaerd on the ini part but heres new probeblem: I dont have any vehicle in the sold section of the ini but when i go to sunshine autos it sas i dont own it so heres the normal code: alias rpg.sell { if $rpg.area($1,$2) == Sunshine-Autos { if $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name != foot && $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name != Unknown { if $rpg.sold($1,$2) != $true { if $rpg.carowner($1,$2) == $mta.name($1,$2) { var %a = $calc($calc($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle * $rpg.cargrade($1,$2)) * 3),%b = $iif($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 3,A,$iif ($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 2,B,C)) !remini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" carowner $mta.vehicle($1,$2) !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" sold $mta.vehicle($1,$2) 1 !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) + %a) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) sold: $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Class: %b - For: $chr(36) $+ %a } else mta.msg $1 $2 You do not own this vehicle } else mta.msg $1 $2 Vehicle: $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name belongs to Sunshine-Autos } else mta.msg $1 $2 No one wants to buy your feet } else mta.msg $1 $2 Sunshine-Autos want your vehicle - go there } and heres the one i did just to pass by but its not gonna be able to stay if sobody could fix it for me then post it back i'd preciate it thx alias rpg.sell { if $rpg.area($1,$2) == Sunshine-Autos { if $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name != foot && $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name != Unknown { if $rpg.sold($1,$2) != $true { if $rpg.carowner($1,$2) == $mta.name($1,$2) { var %a = $calc($calc($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle * $rpg.cargrade($1,$2)) * 3),%b = $iif($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 3,A,$iif($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 2,B,C)) !remini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" carowner $mta.vehicle($1,$2) !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" sold $mta.vehicle($1,$2) 1 !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) + %a) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) sold: $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Class: %b - For: $chr(36) $+ %a } var %a = $calc($calc($mta.health($1,$2).vehicle * $rpg.cargrade($1,$2)) * 3),%b = $iif($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 3,A,$iif($rpg.cargrade($1,$2) == 2,B,C)) !remini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" carowner $mta.vehicle($1,$2) !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" sold $mta.vehicle($1,$2) 1 !writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) + %a) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) sold: $mta.vehicle($1,$2).name - Class: %b - For: $chr(36) $+ %a mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You can sell this vehicle agin in 10min! } mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You can sell this vehicle agin in 10min! } else mta.msg $1 $2 No one wants to buy your feet } else mta.msg $1 $2 Sunshine-Autos want your vehicle - go there }
Everybody can call me a noob today lol i went to bed after i posted this and then i thought WTF! AM I DOIN! and remeberd that $mta.vehicle($1,$2) was the vehicle the player was in so yea lol thanks.
How do i erase the cars sold in the rpg.data.ini i used this code here: alias startflood { timerflood 0 120 !remini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.data.ini" sold $mta.vehicle($1,$2) 0 } alias stopflood { timerflood off } and i turn it on by /startflood in mirc then heres the ini [sold] 5=1 68=1 54=1 any help would be preciated thx.
we'll were is it at so i can work on it?
I need a script just like {SB}'s please and tahnks.
Preston4321 replied to Preston4321's topic in Add-ons
ok heres the probeblem i have no clue were to start ive looked threw numorous rpg scripts and its just a bunch of unorganized writing. please if anybody has a tutorial or can get me started off that would help me thanks. -
I need a script just like {SB}'s please and tahnks. please i realy need one like it couse the rpg oli made dosnt worrk right like you cant even sell cars oli if you read this can you please code one like sb's thanks.
Link for download not working