After being rather inactive/dead, it's finally time for HoT to be back!
For you that don't know what happened, I'll briefly summarise the situation:
HoT has gone inactive after the great leader of HoT (Bumer as you all know) went inactive and put me in charge, at first I thought it was a joke and I didn't take it too seriously, then I failed to lead the clan to success because I was too lazy, therefore clan has gone more and more inactive and eventually it died out, not everyone left.. but unfortunately Tomachawek did, while being one of the leaders.
Anyhow, few weeks ago I have started discussing re-opening of HoT with Sfor, it took us few weeks to decide to re-open it but here we are! We are back and we will try to be #1 of GTA-Multiplayer again, as many has known us as tier 1 clan in both SA-MP and MTA back in the day.
We are back with a dream team of:
Hopefully as the time passes we will retrieve some of old HoT veterans, if they are still dedicated and loyal to us, they will surely rejoin!
HoT was reactivated without permission of Bumer or Tomachawek, reason being is that neither of them really cared about the state of HoT, therefore we decided to take action ourselves since HoT is still in our hearts.
Bumer has been contacted and he should be back shortly, good thing is that he doesn't mind us reopening!
See you on the streets of MTA (we are MTA & BC2 clan only as of now).
Our new domain is site can be reached by it.
Our forum link is