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  1. well h new chatbox won't do any good if the keys are picked up by the console in the same way!... I just wanted an attation of one of the devs that he will say that he will check it out or that the key-reading is made in a diffrent way or somtheing in the next relase that will, hopefully, solv this annoying problam
  2. Any solution for this one??? if it's a non fixable bug please make sure gyes that it will be solved in the next version\patch (Won't mind beta-testing )
  3. if you have WIN xp right-click the gta-vc.exe, click proproties go to the comatibilaty tab mark V in the "run this program in compatibilaty mode" checkbox and then choose win 98\me from the dropdown menu... and... I don't think you wanna delete the main.scm.... whay shuld u do it...??? and... not related to your questions CAMON PPL HELP ME OUT HERE i wanna chatt wirhout alt+tabbing and i cant!!! hellpp!!! Press T in game and type. Push enter. You just chatted. cammmmonn!! dude!!! look a little back in this thread!! i know i shuld use T 2 chat but it doesnt work
  4. if you have WIN xp right-click the gta-vc.exe, click proproties go to the comatibilaty tab mark V in the "run this program in compatibilaty mode" checkbox and then choose win 98\me from the dropdown menu... and... I don't think you wanna delete the main.scm.... whay shuld u do it...??? and... not related to your questions CAMON PPL HELP ME OUT HERE i wanna chatt wirhout alt+tabbing and i cant!!! hellpp!!!
  5. meanwhile, any ideas for our wierd (rear) bug?
  6. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FINALYYYYY!!!!! someone with the same preblam!!!!! BTW, what patch? i did'nt knew of any patch...?
  7. on 98 it's ok, blinks alot, but typeing works A. OK in other words this problem is on my XP NOTE 4: I'm using regular, starndart PS\2 keyboard and my os defult language is english
  8. about INGAME Errors of this type i'v noticed a lot of times that clients crash togather sometimes more than one client get's an unhandled expactation togater at the same time well i don't know if u know this or not, just thought i shuld post what 'v detacted PS: Of curse I mean InGame...
  9. P(Don't know num )The ingame chat is hard to handle, after i press T most of the keys don't get 'picked up' for example if i wanna write Hello i need to press on the keyboard HHHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeelllllllooooo and the screen displays something like HHelllloo sometimes the T key himself don't get picked up note 1: This happend on each and every server!!! note 2: I did tried to uninstall EVERYTHING and reinstall, I get the same problem... note 3: I Also have 98SE(In addition to WINXP PRO no SP) on the same comp, and using the same MTA+VC this problem does not uccer... A: none yet, hope u can help me...
  10. The DUDE IS TOTALLY RIGHT and we got it today!!!!
  11. When u'r in an airplane\chooper and u keep moving forword... and u exit the chooper\plane while it's still moveing forword (has momentom) u both fall like a rock!!.... That's nor really make sance and it bothers to do some cool stunts... well...: Can u do something about it!!??
  12. HLL

    A name

    cRIME UNIT IS BETTER , MTA:VC Is lame...
  13. i know u haven't even started developing MTA:VC but i would really like to get a first glimps of it when u'll start codeing it... so here i am signing-up to be first on top of the list(edit: if there is one) (of curse, it's on condition that u need any...) HLL MAIL: [email protected] ICQ#: 30393608
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