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@Alexs: Ese script es server-side, los jugadores no descargan estos scripts.
El ejemplo de la wiki es muy facil, si no podes entender eso, pues te recomiendo que vuelvas a lo basico.
Hay una funcion para obtener un jugador aleatorio. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer ( ) local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey = getCameraMatrix( randomPlayer ) setCameraMatrix ( source, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, wex, wey ) end )
Pues eso es porque cuando el jugador entre, la camara se podran en si mismo.
Eso no tiene el menor sentido, enserio, ni estas pensando en lo que haces o que?
Try this: gateList = {} gateListMoveToX = {} gateListMoveToY = {} gateListMoveToZ = {} gateListMoveTorX = {} gateListMoveTorY = {} gateListMoveTorZ = {} shapes = {} team = {} temp = {} status = {} -- 0 = not moving. 1 = moving to open. 2 = moving to close function checkClass(hitElement, matchingDimension) if ( getElementType(hitElement) == "vehicle" ) then hitElement = getVehicleController(hitElement) end for i=0,#gateList do local name = getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) ) or "None" if(name == false) then name = "false" end if ( name == team[i] or name == "true") then detection = isElementWithinColShape ( hitElement, shapes[i] ) if detection == true then move(i, false) end end end end function loadup(startedResource) gates = xmlLoadFile ( "gates.xml" ) count = xmlNodeGetChildren(gates) for i=1,#count do local gate = xmlFindChild ( gates, "gate", i-1 ) local attributes = xmlNodeGetAttributes ( gate ) for name,value in pairs ( attributes ) do temp["" .. name .. ""] = value end gateList[i] = createObject(temp["objectID"], temp["x"], temp["y"], temp["z"], temp["rx"], temp["ry"], temp["rz"]) gateListMoveToX[i] = temp["x2"] gateListMoveToY[i] = temp["y2"] gateListMoveToZ[i] = temp["z2"] gateListMoveTorX[i] = temp["rx2"] gateListMoveTorY[i] = temp["ry2"] gateListMoveTorZ[i] = temp["rz2"] outputDebugString("" .. temp["objectID"] .. "") shapes[i] = createColRectangle(temp["collisionx"], temp["collisionY"], temp["collisionZ"], temp["collisionSize"],temp["collisionSize"]) team[i] = temp["team"] setElementInterior(gateList[i], temp["interiorID"]) status[i] = 0 addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", shapes[i], checkClass ) end xmlUnloadFile ( gates ) end function move(gateIndex, rotate) -- 0 = not moving. 1 = moving to open. 2 = moving to close outputDebugString("moving..") x,y,z = getElementPosition(gateList[gateIndex]) rx,ry,rz = getObjectRotation(gateList[gateIndex]) if status[gateIndex] == 0 then moveObject ( gateList[gateIndex], 2000, gateListMoveToX[gateIndex], gateListMoveToY[gateIndex],gateListMoveToZ[gateIndex]) status[gateIndex] = 1 setTimer ( moveBack, 3000, 1,gateIndex, x,y,z,rx,ry,rz, raising ) end end function moveBack(index, x,y,z, raising) if status[index] == 1 then status[index] = 2 moveObject ( gateList[index], 2000, x,y,z, gateListMoveTorX[gateIndex],gateListMoveTorY[gateIndex],gateListMoveTorZ[gateIndex],rx,ry,rz ) setTimer ( resetTimer, 2000, 1, index ) end end function resetTimer(index) status[index] = 0 end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadup )
You're welcome.
triggerServerEvent envia datos desde el client side al server side.
onClientGUIClick es un evento client side, y isObjectInACLGroup, aclGetGroup, spawnPlayer son funciones server side, tenes que usar triggerServerEvent.
Vos me estas tomando el pelo? querias estudiar lo basico de MySQL y te di las funciones para hacerlo.
dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree Clickea en cada funcion, tienen ejemplos.
Works perfect, when I click on the ped, the ammunation window is appears.
Apenas entendes los argumentos de las funciones, no te aconsejo intentar estudiar MySQL aun.
You must save if it's his/her first time on a database system, could be account data, then check it when he/she logs in.
@Kenix: I only fixed his script, I was going to use "pairs" instead of "ipairs", but I didn't.
@Alexs_Steel: Eso no es una tabla, es una variable. Ademas tu script nunca funcionaria. Una tabla es esto: local table = { 411, 410, 308 } -- Una tabla con diferentes modelos de vehiculos. function Vehiculocrear ( ) createVehicle ( table[ math.random ( #table ) ], 0, 0, 5 ) -- Crea un vehiculo un modelo aleatorio de la tabla. end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart",resourceRoot, Vehiculocrear )
I've clicked the ped and I got a warning saying "Ammu_Window" doesn't exist, which is right. Post your whole code.
You can use a lua table to save player weapons on wasted.
local WeaponPed = createPed ( 29, 296.447265625, -40.435546875, 1001.515625 ) setElementInterior ( WeaponPed, 1 ) function hans_click ( button, state, absX, absY, wx, wy, wz, element ) if ( element and element == WeaponPed ) then guiSetVisible ( Ammu_Window, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), hans_click )
local guns = { [ 46 ] = 1, [ 25 ] = 2500, [ 22 ] = 2000 } -- Spawn Player on Plane function spawn ( prevA, curA, autoLogin ) spawnPlayer ( source, -302.70001220703, 1437.9000244141, 835.70001220703, math.random (0,288), 0, 0 ) fadeCamera ( source, true ) setCameraTarget ( source, source ) end addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), spawn ) -- Respawn Player at Base addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), function ( ) setTimer ( spawnPlayer, 5000, 1, source, -343.27581787109, 1537.6356201172, 75.5626, 180 ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) for weapon, ammo in pairs ( guns ) do giveWeapon ( source, weapon, ammo ) end end )
Eso es porque ni siquiera lees los argumentos de las funciones. local marker = createMarker ( 1056.31653, -2740.65942, 8.48407, "cylinder", 3, 255, 0, 0, 100 ) function markerHit ( hitPlayer ) if ( hitPlayer == localPlayer ) then fadeCamera ( true, 5 ) -- No require argumento de jugador. setCameraMatrix ( 1468.8785400391, -919.25317382813, 100.153465271, 1468.388671875, -918.42474365234, 99.881813049316 ) -- No require argumento de jugador. end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, markerHit )