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Everything posted by Castillo
That is the right resource.
Try this: function HunterInfo ( source, _, person ) local person = getPlayerFromName ( person ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( not person and not getAccountData ( account, "hunter.counts" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFYou did not reach the Hunter yet.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( not person and getAccountData ( account, "hunter.counts" ) == 1 ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFYou have reached the Hunter#FF0000 ".. getAccountData ( account, "hunter.counts" ) .." #FFFFFFtime.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( not person and getAccountData ( account, "hunter.counts" ) > 1 ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFYou have reached the Hunter#FF0000 ".. getAccountData ( account, "hunter.counts" ) .." #FFFFFFtimes.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( not getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( person ), "hunter.counts" ) ) then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( person ) .." #FFFFFFdid not reach the Hunter yet.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( person ), "hunter.counts" ) == 1 ) then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( person ) .." #FFFFFFhas reached the Hunter #FF0000".. getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( person ), "hunter.counts" ) .." #FFFFFFtime.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( person ), "hunter.counts" ) > 1 ) then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( person ) .." #FFFFFFhas reached the Hunter #FF0000".. getAccountData ( getPlayerAccount ( person ), "hunter.counts" ) .." #FFFFFFtimes.", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Sytanx: /hunters [Player]", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "hunters", HunterInfo )
You create the object with: createObject and you attach it using "bone_attach" resource.
You're welcome.
Could be the LOD of these objects.
Obtene el skin del jugador y daselo al spawnear.
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) removeWorldModel(791,63.015308380127,-2820,-1339.0625,121.99219) -- removeWorldModel(791,63.015308380127,-2833.625,-1444.86719,134.82813) -- removeWorldModel(791,63.015308380127,-2867.52344,-1515.83594,134.30469) -- 785 removeWorldModel(791,63.015308380127,-2796.0625,-1582.76562,139.125) -- end )
Podrias crear un colshape temporario para obtener los vehiculos dentro de el.
That doesn't make any sense, what are you trying to achieve...?
El tema es que no podes remplazar los modelos y no las texturas, ya que cada modelo usa diferentes texturas.
1.- ¿Que es un script? 2.- Primer? que quiere decir eso? 3.- Scripting? hablas chino. 4.- Aprender? yo mire los teletubies. 5.- Mirar la pantalla. 6.- Conseguir dos millones de dolares. 7.- Los teletubies violetas.
function cargarRuedas ( ) txdTable = { 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 196, 197, 125 } txd = engineLoadTXD ( "vehicle.txd" ) for _, model in ipairs ( txdTable ) do engineImportTXD ( txd, model ) end dff1 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_gn1.dff", 125) engineReplaceModel ( dff1, 125 ) dff2 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_gn2.dff", 173) engineReplaceModel ( dff2, 173 ) dff3 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_gn3.dff", 174) engineReplaceModel ( dff3, 174 ) dff4 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_gn4.dff", 175) engineReplaceModel ( dff4, 175 ) dff5 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_gn5.dff", 176) engineReplaceModel ( dff5, 176 ) dff6 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_lr1.dff", 177) engineReplaceModel ( dff6, 177 ) dff7 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_lr2.dff", 178) engineReplaceModel ( dff7, 178 ) dff8 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_lr3.dff", 179) engineReplaceModel ( dff8, 179 ) dff9 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_lr4.dff", 180) engineReplaceModel ( dff9, 180 ) dff10 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_lr5.dff", 181) engineReplaceModel ( dff10, 181 ) dff11 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr1.dff", 182) engineReplaceModel ( dff11, 182 ) dff12 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr2.dff", 183) engineReplaceModel ( dff12, 183 ) dff13 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr3.dff", 184) engineReplaceModel ( dff13, 184 ) dff13 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr4.dff", 185) engineReplaceModel ( dff13, 185 ) dff13 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr5.dff", 196) engineReplaceModel ( dff13, 196 ) dff13 = engineLoadDFF ( "wheel_sr6.dff", 197) engineReplaceModel ( dff13, 197 ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, cargarRuedas )
I never played the multiplayer of Assasin's Creed, but the single player is really amazing.
Oh well, I thought it wasn't the same.
Hay varios ejemplos en la pagina de la wiki, leelos.
I think that he wants to make a cut scene like on some servers, where's an intro when a new player registers. To do this, you must use your imagination to do what you want, and use the following this to make it look like a cut scene. setCameraMatrix -- To set camera on some place. dxDrawRectangle -- To draw rectangles on the top and bottom of screen, cut-scene style.
"acc" is an account element there, so it'll always return false. This should work: addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) call ( getResourceFromName ( "scoreboard" ), "addScoreboardColumn", "ACL" ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) setElementData ( source, "ACL", "None" ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _, acc ) local accountName = getAccountName ( acc ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "Army" ) ) then setElementData ( source, "ACL", "Army" ) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then setElementData ( source, "ACL", "Admin" ) end end )
You actually can: Client: local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local sizeX = screenX*(100/1920) local rootElement = getRootElement() function PETvida() if ( isElement ( tigre1 ) ) then local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition ( tigre1 ) local plX, plY, plZ = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local visibleto = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pedX, pedY, pedZ,plX, plY, plZ) if visibleto < 45 then local headX, headY, headZ = getPedBonePosition( tigre1, 5 ) local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition (headX, headY, headZ+0.6) if sx then guiSetPosition ( life, sx-((sizeX-visibleto)/2), sy, false ) guiSetSize (life, sizeX-visibleto, screenY*((30-visibleto)/1080), false) local vida = getElementHealth ( tigre1 ) guiProgressBarSetProgress(life, tonumber (vida)) end end end end function HandleTheRendering() life = guiCreateProgressBar( 0, 0,0, 0, false, nil ) addEventHandler("onClientRender",rootElement, PETvida) end addEventHandler("onBotSpawned",rootElement, HandleTheRendering) Now you only need to send the element to the client like this: client: local clientElement = nil addEvent ( "get:element", true ) addEventHandler ( "get:element", root, function(element) clientElement = element end) Server: Lped = createPed ( 0,0,0,1) function sendServer(playerToSendTo) triggerClientEvent (playerToSendTo, "get:element", root, Lped ) end This will send the server element "Lped" to the client, in that way you can check his health. If you need explanation with these functions tell it here. But dx rectangles will look nicer, and it it's faster for a client pc. Regards, Danny I doubt it'll be 3D, plus, using dxDrawRectangle looks a lot better.
Como ya dije, eso no servira, hay que editar la libreria.
No, porque usa una libreria para crear los textos, tenes que editar esa libreria para ponerle fuentes propias.
Eso es porque no tiene sentido, estas ejecutando la misma funcion que ejecuta a esa. Tenes que usar setElementRotation para voltearlo.