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About MetaGamer

  • Birthday 07/12/1991


  • Gang
    Stanopolo Team
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  • Interests
    Playing pc, surfing internet, making script's

MetaGamer's Achievements


Trick (18/54)



  1. That's it. I am not seeing any server on mta browser and my server is very buggy. I am switching to SA-MP.
  2. I have recently updated my mta to mtasa-1.1.1-rc-3496-20111127 and now i am getting an error when I start the server. MODULE: Unable to find modules/mta_mysql.dll! And the strangest thing is that I have mta_mysql.dll in my modules directory.
  3. Can someone show me an example on how to use OnClientGUIComboBoxAccepted?
  4. Hey world_builder see Towncivlian's post in here viewtopic.php?f=104&t=36859&p=386512#p386512 It worked perfectly.
  5. Worked like a charm. If it would be SA-MP, then they wouldn't care. You guys rocks!
  6. OK I have fixed the gui button problem, but this is not working. addEventHandler("OnClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", gui["menuCharSkin"], function(element) outputChatBox("Menu Char Skin has been changed and it's value is " .. guiComboBoxGetItemText(element, guiComboBoxGetSelected(element))) end, false)
  7. Here is more detail code local gui = {} gui["menuRoleplayType"] = guiCreateComboBox(160, 185, 111, 180,"", false, gui["_root"]) gui["btnAccept"] = guiCreateButton(90, 315, 101, 41, "Accept", false, gui["_root"]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", gui["menuCharSkin"], function(element) outputDebugString("Menu Char Skin has been changed and it's value is " .. guiGetText(element)) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnAccept"], function(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then outputDebugString("Accept button has been clicked by client") end end)
  8. But gui is an array and menuCharSkin, btnAccept are the items of that array.
  9. This is the code addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", gui["menuCharSkin"], function(element) outputDebugString("Menu Char Skin has been changed and it's value is " .. guiGetText(element)) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui["btnAccept"], function(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then outputDebugString("Accept button has been clicked by client") end end) When I click the button or change the combobox menu, nothing happens.
  10. I think he mean't that the explosion will not kill himself but others.
  11. Then you should immediately leave this hoster, anyone hosting without a firewall clearly has NO knowledge of security. Well it's Stanopolo server manager. He is part of our team, how can I leave Stanopolo? I think it is happening for firewall as he said he is using external firewall and antivirus.
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