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[HELP] Rhino and Aircraft Handling

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Hello there,

Recently I've been trying to change the handling of the rhino and beagle using setVehicleHandling.

The problem is very simple, it doesn't work. When I change the vehicle ID to a regular car (infernus, banshee or what have you) it works perfectly

Is it not possible to change the handling of aircraft and the rhino? or is there some other way to change it?

For now I just want to alter the accelation and top speed of the vehicle (I took the script from the mta wikia)

function vhandling ( )
   for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
      if getElementModel(v) == 432 then -- Rhino ID, any regular car ID works, rhino doesn't
        setVehicleHandling(v, "maxVelocity", 30000.0)
        setVehicleHandling(v, "engineAcceleration", 30000.0)
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), vhandling )

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Noah_Antilles
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