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Export score on php website with SDK


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Hello everyone this is my first post please take it easy on me.
here goes nothing.


I followed xxmadexx's tutorial https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/74834-introduction-to-the-php-sdk/

It works and my site show the users. but I was wondering how do I go about exporting more information such as score and other information stored on the server.


This is my server.lua file

function getAllPlayersForWebsite ( )
    local players = {}
    for k, player in ipairs( getElementsByType ("player") ) do
        local name = getPlayerName( player )
        table.insert( players, name )
    return players

my meta xml

    <info author="xXMADEXx" type="script" version="1.0" name="MTA PHP" />

    <!-- Include our awesome script -->
    <script src="server.lua" />

    <!-- Export our function -- Make sure to allow HTTP to access it -->
    <export function="doPrint" type="server" http="true" />
<export function="getAllPlayersForWebsite" type="server" http="true" />



and the php file


include "sdk/mta_sdk.php";   # Include the MTA PHP SDK - Give us the classes and methods that we'll need

    "host" => "",        #The host/IP of your MTA server
    "http_port" => 22005,         #The HTTP port for your MTA server (Default 22005)
    "http_user" => "user", #The username that we created in the previous step
    "http_pass" => "password"     #The password for the username that we created

#Create a new mta object
$SERVER = new mta ( $MY_SERVER['host'], $MY_SERVER['http_port'], $MY_SERVER['http_user'], $MY_SERVER['http_pass'] );

try {

    $RESOURCE = $SERVER->getResource ( "mta_php" ); # We need to get our resource Object

 $RESULT[] = $RESOURCE->call ( "getAllPlayersForWebsite" );

    foreach ( $RESULT [ 0 ] [ 0 ] as $index=>$playerName ) {
      print_r ( $playerName );
echo "<br /><br />";

#Catch any errors that occurred
} catch ( Exception $e ){
    #Output error message
    echo "<strong>Oops, Something went wrong!</strong><br />Error: {$e->getMessage()}<br /><br />e printout:<br />";

    #Print the error table
    print_r ( $e );



Where should I start?


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