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Paradise RP Error Resources


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Hola, Ultimamente me eh estado enfocando en Paradise xD deseguro vieron mi post anterior, tuve muchos problemas con el sql, nose si hice algo mal o son de los errores de paradise pero es curioso ya que me inician tan solo 7 resources o por ahí Porfavor, Ayuda Gracias

EDIT: Cuando entro la pantalla esta en negra y no hay login ni nada, devo iniciar el Freeroam para poder jguar luego desactivarlo pero aun asi no es jugable


= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5.1 
= Server name      : Tree-RP v1.0 Español [/LatinoAmerica-Chile-Argentina-Spanish\] 
= Server IP address: auto 
= Server port      : 22003 
= Log file         : .. 1.5/Server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log 
= Maximum players  : 32 
= HTTP port        : 22005 
= Voice Chat       : Disabled 
= Bandwidth saving : Medium 
[2016-01-13 22:57:58] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel' 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: 3dtext; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Not processing resource 'admin' as it has duplicates on different paths: 
                  Path #1: "resources\admin" 
                  Path #2: "resources\[admin]\admin" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: bank; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor;  
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: factions;  
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Not processing resource 'freecam' as it has duplicates on different paths: 
                  Path #1: "resources\freecam" 
                  Path #2: "resources\[editor]\freecam" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Not processing resource 'interiors' as it has duplicates on different paths: 
                  Path #1: "resources\interiors" 
                  Path #2: "resources\[gameplay]\interiors" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: items; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: job-bus;  
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: job-carrier; Failed to link to interiors 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: job-taxi;  
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: players; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Not processing resource 'runcode' as it has duplicates on different paths: 
                  Path #1: "resources\runcode" 
                  Path #2: "resources\[admin]\runcode" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: shops; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: vehicle-shop;  
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] ERROR: Problem with resource: vehicles; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:54] Resources: 206 loaded, 14 failed 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] Server password set to 'drako' 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] MODULE: Loaded "SHA Module" (1.02) by "mabako" 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] Starting resources..... 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Couldn't find resource sql. Check it exists. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] Start up of resource irc cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Unable to start resource irc; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] WARNING: players/main.lua(Line 379) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] WARNING: players/main_c.lua(Line 83) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] WARNING: players/respawn_c.lua(Line 51) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] Some files in 'players' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Unable to start resource players; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Unable to start resource vehicles; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Couldn't find resource interiors. Check it exists. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:55] ERROR: Unable to start resource items; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] ERROR: Couldn't find resource admin. Check it exists. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] WARNING: shops/shop.lua(Line 57) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] Some files in 'shops' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] ERROR: Unable to start resource shops; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:56] ERROR: Unable to start resource job-carrier; Failed to link to interiors 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: maps\maps.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (sql) [string "?"] 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] Start up of resource maps cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: Unable to start resource maps; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: teleports\teleports.lua:82: exports: Call to non-running server resource (sql) [string "?"] 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] Start up of resource teleports cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: Unable to start resource teleports; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource freecam. Check it exists. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] WARNING: bank/bank.lua(Line 59) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] Some files in 'bank' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: Unable to start resource bank; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] ERROR: factions\factions.lua:74: exports: Call to non-running server resource (sql) [string "?"] 
[2016-01-13 22:58:57] Start up of resource factions cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] ERROR: Unable to start resource factions; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] ERROR: Unable to start resource 3dtext; Failed to link to sql 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP: 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] Server started and is ready to accept connections! 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C 
[2016-01-13 22:58:58] Type 'help' for a list of commands. 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]               _                                    _ _ 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]              | |                                  | (_) 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]     _ __ ___ | |_ __ _   _ __   __ _ _ __ __ _  __| |_ ___  ___ 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]    | '_ ` _ \| __/ _` | | '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` | / __|/ _ \ 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]    | | | | | | || (_| | | |_) | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | \__ \  __/ 
[2016-01-13 22:58:59]    |_| |_| |_|\__\__,_| | .__/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__,_|_|___/\___| 
[2016-01-13 22:59:00]                         | | 
[2016-01-13 22:59:00]                         |_| v1.00 

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