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Server Popularity Suggestion


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Ok, this is probably the worst suggestion ever and I'm guaranteed no's but I was thinking that new MTA players that play MTA for the first time get an opportunity to join a server and if they want to join another server they can simply click no. Think of it this way:

Say that the FFS server pays for this and the money goes to the MTA devs. Also say that I'm new to MTA and I first start it. When I click the Server Browser I would get a notification asking if I would like to try out the FFS server. The notification has a yes and a no button. If I click yes then it brings me to the server. If I say no then I can choose any server I would like. Here are some advantages:

-MTA devs get money

-Servers that are growing get an opportunity to get players

-New players aren't forced to join the server; they can simply click no

-It helps new players choose a server more easily

The money system can be determined by how much the server owner pays. Again, this is just a suggestion and there are many advantages.

Edit: I noticed that if the new player rate isn't that high then everyone will see this then.

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Or just show a list of servers of the people that paid categorizing them by gamemode and have a connect button next to the name and player count. E.g

DM Servers:

DM/DD Servers:

MultiGamemode Servers:

RPG Servers:

Saur - x/x - connect

And so on and so forth.

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There are other things that are more urgent:

- Server browser needs default ordering set to player count descending. Chances are that new players will like already popular servers more than some random ones that pop up first. Let players be the judges.

- Quick connect needs to be removed. It really does nothing useful, its functionality is redundant and it is confusing to new players. In fact, I have never used it, and still don't get why it is #1 option in main menu.

Your suggestion wouldn't work well for players. New players should be directed to the best servers, not the ones that pay most. There are other ways how to give developers money.

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There are other things that are more urgent:

- Server browser needs default ordering set to player count descending. Chances are that new players will like already popular servers more than some random ones that pop up first. Let players be the judges.

- Quick connect needs to be removed. It really does nothing useful, its functionality is redundant and it is confusing to new players. In fact, I have never used it, and still don't get why it is #1 option in main menu.


Your suggestion wouldn't work well for players. New players should be directed to the best servers, not the ones that pay most. There are other ways how to give developers money.

Not everyone likes the big crowds.

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