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feature request! MTA:VC client


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if i alredy requested, kill this

[4:16:12 pm] ithey should make the mta client take the "mta" protocol, like irc, like when u type mta:// in the run dialogue, it will open the client and connect there, or when u clicka link w/ mta:// instead of http://

or mtavc:// and gta3mta://


yay!! my 1st feature request resolved!!! thnx eAi


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and this 1 is prolly very easy to implement.

server 0.2.1 still crashes, but i understand, beta. my temporary solution is a while loop in linux. but the sideeffect of this is that every 10 seconds the logfile is turncated. its because every 10 secs it opens a new MTAServer session, but since mtaserver cant open the sockets (cuz theyre already in use if the server hasnt crashed yet), it closes. every time it opens, it clears logfile.

i would want it to not turncate the logfile every time MTAServer is started. just keep appending to logfile.


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The URL handler feature is pretty simple to include...

First you need to add some stuff to your registry - .reg file (change the dirs!):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:MTA Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""

@="\"E:\\Programmer\\Rockstar Games\\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\\MTA\\MTAClient.exe\""



@="\"E:\\Programmer\\Rockstar Games\\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\\MTA\\MTAClient.exe\" +connect %1"

But this wont get the thing working :(

When you, with this added to your registrey, try to execute: mta://, then MTA will get "mta://" as "+connect" argument....

So as far as i can see, the only possibility is, if the MTA team adds a handler for the that "+connect" argument: mta://address:port/

Hmm dunno if it explained it well enough, but it really is pretty easy :P

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i agree rob, i asked for this way back when i first opened #mta-servers so i could add it to the server ads, but then as in now nobody was really sure how to go about it.

This is quite easy - you just need to register the new protocol (eg mta-vc://) in the windows registry. This could be done first time the user runs the client.

I'll drop you a message with some examples and more details...

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  • 2 months later...

Sup guys I wanna be the first to add mta:// to mirc so here it goes.

Add this to your Remote section in mirc

on ^*:hotlink:mta*//*:*: {  }
on *:hotlink:mta*//*:*: { $dde(IExplore, WWW_OpenURL, $1, 5) }


on ^*:hotlink:mta*//*:*: { return }
on *:hotlink:mta*//*:*: { run "C:\your\path\to\IEXPLORE.EXE" $1 }

then when some one types mta://

just double click it and it will open it using eAi's ( http://www.opencoding.net/zips/mtaph.zip)Proggy or wartechs (http://blackedge.org/~wartech/mta_url_handler.rar)


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