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Impersenating others.

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I have come across a player that was using my name and (you could say ) also impersenating a non-existing MTA team member .SO i asked him to change his name maybe he did not know that that name was already used by someon, but he didnt he even liked that he was impersenating someone else.So now im asking can MTA make the client to have a pass field for yuyou to make and enter a password.For example thru the forums u sign up with a name and a pass , and in the client u must just type it.Please MTA team work on this i hate it ppl using others name , and for this guy , i want everyone to know i DO NOT use the MTA in my name, cause im not a MTA member,and for some of you thgat might meet this guyy online , or someone claiming to be me, using my name : SM xenex please be carefull cause this may not be me, it might be the copycat.

Please to everyone who reads this please your comments, and iff anyone kows how to do the advice i gave about pass protected names on the client post them here too.

Here are some pictures of the event:34195906.jpg[/img]

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I have come across a player that was using my name and (you could say ) also impersenating a non-existing MTA team member .SO i asked him to change his name maybe he did not know that that name was already used by someon, but he didnt he even liked that he was impersenating someone else.So now im asking can MTA make the client to have a pass field for yuyou to make and enter a password.For example thru the forums u sign up with a name and a pass , and in the client u must just type it.Please MTA team work on this i hate it ppl using others name , and for this guy , i want everyone to know i DO NOT use the MTA in my name, cause im not a MTA member,and for some of you thgat might meet this guyy online , or someone claiming to be me, using my name : SM xenex please be carefull cause this may not be me, it might be the copycat.

Please to everyone who reads this please your comments, and iff anyone kows how to do the advice i gave about pass protected names on the client post them here too.

i personally think that is a rediculous idea

firstly the effort that goes into doing it WAY outweighs the result

secondly, what if some people did just happen to have the same names? not using ur as an example but things like Dragon, Zero, Apocalypse, Neo and names like that (no offence if u have a name like this) are quite common and it is not rare to find people with VERY similar to same names...

- my 2 cents (well, if we still had 1s and 2 cent coins here in aus...)

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Kroba wrote :

i personally think that is a rediculous idea

firstly the effort that goes into doing it WAY outweighs the result

secondly, what if some people did just happen to have the same names? not using ur as an example but things like Dragon, Zero, Apocalypse, Neo and names like that (no offence if u have a name like this) are quite common and it is not rare to find people with VERY similar to same names...

- my 2 cents (well, if we still had 1s and 2 cent coins here in aus...)

Firstly sorry but I think that ridiculous is not the right word, i think surely this idea , is not ridiculous , maybe u think its bad , but surely not ridiculous.

Your right that some names are used by more then one personbut it would be just like here on the forums, first come first serve, the one that comes first gets the name (example) Dragon , and then the second guy sorry for him , but he would have to use anotheer name maybe Dragon 2 or something but u get the idea.

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I don't think you should need to register, but i think it would be nice if your forum nicks could only be used by u, ie the client checks your username and if its listed on the forum u need that pass for it, so only people who register on the forum can use there own registered nicks, like on irc chats, u register ur name so no one else uses it, but it doesn't mean you have to..

i think its pretty simple using a database to do this, (i'm not saying it is, but i think ms access has some examples of how to do it, use an online SQL? server is it?) although then thats the cost of microsoft access

just my opinion :)

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Hmm... That's an annoying problem, but it can't really be 'fixed' because of all the common names. (I've run into 2 people using the name 'me' so far, so registering just wouldn't work). That, or the "wrong" person would be registered, like the copycat, and then you wouldn't be able to use the name, and you'd have to get someone to fix it up for you... Which would be too time-consuming :(

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I understand this is very annoying..

But it's a hell of a job to add these user/password fields cause all nicks need to be registered etc etc..

Yeah, a few days before .2, some guy was using the name "IJs" and saying that he's part of the MTA team (obviously referring to you)... he kept saying he had to leave because he had to get back to testing MTA .2

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Your all strange. lol jk

having people to sign up is a bad idea because:

A database would have to be maintained (lots of players = bigger database) and who pays for the website the db is hosted on. MTA crew does. Maintaining that DB would eat a lot of bandwidth (password reminders, signups, log-on's)

What happens if the MTA site goes down? does that mean nobody can play MTA on ANY server? too many dependencies

You never find a game where you log on to play unless its a game you pay for.

A simpler idea is for the server to change the name. if 'foobar' exists then the new person is 'foobar2'

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This is a ridiculous thread. His name is different to yours, you can have any name you want. If I want "Dave" as my name, even though my name is Matt, I'll have "Dave" same as if I want a random concoction of letters and numbers.

Who are you to dictate what name people use?

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Don't start twisting my words, I did not call it stupid. I game online a lot and I'm a regular on several forums (although, not this one) and there's always someone whining about someone having a similar name. If there's a player called "Matt" and I'm playing as "Matt" he isn't going to tell me to change my name, same as if I call myself "dfhdfnbfbn". Could be coincidence. You are no more important than anyone else, I just don't think you have the right or the authority to tell people what name to have, that's all.

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i dont think the system would take up to much bandwidth if the nickname system was set up like this....

whenever someone wants to change theyre name they enter the new name in mta client and it sends a request to the forums database to see if that nickname has been registered. If it hasnt then it assigns u that nickname. If it has then it asks for a password and once u give the password u have that nickname.

once u have the nickname the client keeps it until u for whatever reason want to change it. once u want to change it then u enter the nick and the process repeats itself.

The nicks that it would be checking are the ones in the mta forum btw.. so if u want ur unique nickname then it would have to be registered in the forums. It would be nice to know that person x that i talked to last time and got to be buddies with is the same person u know what i mean. If they dont have a unique nickname then it shouldn't be to hard for them to think of one...

e.g. instead of dragon, they could have dragonx, dragon_lova, dragon_slaya theres infinite posiblities

i dont think this would be that hard to implement(but what do i know) so i just thought i would post it as a suggestion and see what u guys think...

but of course i realize that this isnt the biggest priority, its just that with ip addresses getting harder and harder to monitor that it would be nice to have the peace of mind that no one is going to enter a sm server under the name of SM-DeathB and start pissin the other members off and then i need to explain myself... because as much as we'd like to think that people are mature enough to not do stupid shit like that, ive heard of it being done. so i do think that there is a need for it at some point in the future. but of course we could live without it as it is ultimately up to the mta team.

btw mta team- congrats on 0.2 i love it

and xenex u might wanna clarify exactly what ur complaint is in ur first post... just a thought :D

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