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config starting health, armor, ammo levels

Guest kazaauser247

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it would be nice to be able to configure all the players starting health level, armor level, ammo level, and what weapons they start out with from the remote server config tool.

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why isn't CNN watching this post, to show the terrible evils of GTA?

btw, it was The Matrix that caused those shootings... They found all these notes and stuff preaching about how everyone's trapped in the matrix, etc. etc... I think.

Sweet idea though. And you could give people 999 health, 999 armor, and no guns for a stunt game/race :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah y not infinite?

than finnaly we could open stunt servers 4 everybody without a passsword

(no mo killaz disturbing our stunz!!)

hmm..and an ability 2 choose: the comet gets replaced with another pcj... coz most r stunting with the pcj and there r aint enough of them

or will multiplicity fix it anyway?

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