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AUTO_INCREMENT doesn't work?

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I'm currently trying to fix my vehicle system, since it was messed up. I store the car information in the SQL Database, and I want to create a DB with this:

executeSQLCreateTable("Vehicles", "CarID INT IDENTITY,Owner TEXT ,ModelID INTEGER, PosX FLOAT, PosY FLOAT, PosZ FLOAT, PosRotX FLOAT,PosRotY FLOAT, PosRotZ FLOAT, Color1 INT, Color2 INT, Color3 INT, Color4 INT, Damage FLOAT, KMH1 INT, KMH2 INT, MaxFuel INT, CurrentFuel INT, Locked INT")

I want to give "CarID" a uniqe ID, so every vehicle can have a uniqe ID. But IDENTITY isn't working, it doesn't even set a value in the "CarID" field. I also tried "AUTO_INCREMENT", but this also doesn't work.

EDIT: Fixed it....

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