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[helps]Returning the outdated tutorials


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Hello guys!

I just want to say that I wanted to remake the tutorials by ransom, jhxp, and IJs.

I know it's sad to have no tutorials anymore.

But, I think I later look around and make these tutorials work again as it should on the recent MTA SA.

My first target was the first tutorial: "user selectable warp points"

Here we go! This script was awesome as I learn a bit from it.

But as usual the script is outdated. I like that kind of portal! :D

Yes, the reason I want to remake this script is because I wanted a "portal gun" from GTA SA's Cleo mod to here!

So here's what I get: (Edited the uppermost, the "onResourceLoad" --> "onResourceStart")

addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), "Script_onResourceLoad" )
function Script_onResourceLoad ( resource )
if ( resource == getThisResource() ) then
-- for each player already in the server
for index, player in getElementsByType ( "player" ) do
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( player, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), "Script_onPlayerJoin" )
function Script_onPlayerJoin ()
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( source, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
function modeIO ( source, key, keyState )	-- function toggles the cursor
if isCursorShowing ( source ) then		-- if cursor was already showing:
showCursor ( source, false )		--   hide it
else					-- if it wasn't showing:
showCursor ( source, true )		--   show it
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerClick", getRootElement(), "Script_onPlayerClick" )
function Script_onPlayerClick ( key, keyState, element, x, y, z )
if keyState == "up" then 
return			-- ignore if the button was released
if key == "left" then	-- on a left mousebutton
-- destroy his teleport point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "teleport" ) )
-- create a normal cylinder marker
local marker = createMarker ( x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 0, 50 )
-- mark the cylinder as our "teleport" type
setElementData ( marker, "type", "teleport" )
-- link the creator (player) to the marker, and vice versa
setElementData ( source, "teleport", marker )
setElementData ( marker, "owner", source )
elseif key == "right" then	-- on a right mousebutton
-- destroy his destination point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "destination" ) )
-- create a glowing corona
local marker = createMarker ( x, y, z+1, "corona", 1, 0, 255, 255, 50 )
-- mark the corona as our "destination" type
setElementData ( marker, "type", "destination" )
-- link the creator (player) to the marker, and vice versa
setElementData ( source, "destination", marker )
setElementData ( marker, "owner", source )
elseif key == "middle" then	-- on a middle mousebutton
-- teleport the player to whereever he clicked
setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 )
addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), "Script_onMarkerHit" )
function Script_onMarkerHit ( player )
-- if the marker is a teleport point, proceed
if getElementData ( source, "type" ) == "teleport" then
-- get the owner linked to the "teleport" type marker
local owner = getElementData ( source, "owner" )
-- get the destination point linked to the owner
local destination = getElementData ( owner, "destination" )
-- if the destination point exists, proceed
if destination then
-- get the "destination" marker's position
local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( destination )
-- finally, warp the player there
setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), "Script_onPlayerQuit" )
function Script_onPlayerQuit ( reason )
--destroy his teleport point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "teleport" ) )
-- destroy his destination point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "destination" ) )

Now I found bad arguments as the MTA Script editor said nothing.


[17:01:18] WARNING: script.lua: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' - Line: 1

[17:01:18] WARNING: script.lua: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' - Line: 11

[17:01:18] WARNING: script.lua: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' - Line: 25

[17:01:18] WARNING: script.lua: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' - Line: 60

[17:01:18] WARNING: script.lua: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' - Line: 78

Can you guys tell me why I keep getting this error?

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ok, i fixed those warnings.

function Script_onResourceLoad ( resource )
if ( resource == getThisResource() ) then
-- for each player already in the server
for index, player in getElementsByType ( "player" ) do
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( player, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Script_onResourceLoad ) 
function Script_onPlayerJoin ()
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( source, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), Script_onPlayerJoin )
function modeIO ( source, key, keyState )   -- function toggles the cursor
if isCursorShowing ( source ) then      -- if cursor was already showing:
showCursor ( source, false )      --   hide it
else               -- if it wasn't showing:
showCursor ( source, true )      --   show it
function Script_onPlayerClick ( key, keyState, element, x, y, z )
if keyState == "up" then
return         -- ignore if the button was released
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerClick", getRootElement(), Script_onPlayerClick )
if key == "left" then   -- on a left mousebutton
-- destroy his teleport point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "teleport" ) )
-- create a normal cylinder marker
local marker = createMarker ( x, y, z, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 0, 50 )
-- mark the cylinder as our "teleport" type
setElementData ( marker, "type", "teleport" )
-- link the creator (player) to the marker, and vice versa
setElementData ( source, "teleport", marker )
setElementData ( marker, "owner", source )
elseif key == "right" then   -- on a right mousebutton
-- destroy his destination point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "destination" ) )
-- create a glowing corona
local marker = createMarker ( x, y, z+1, "corona", 1, 0, 255, 255, 50 )
-- mark the corona as our "destination" type
setElementData ( marker, "type", "destination" )
-- link the creator (player) to the marker, and vice versa
setElementData ( source, "destination", marker )
setElementData ( marker, "owner", source )
elseif key == "middle" then   -- on a middle mousebutton
-- teleport the player to whereever he clicked
setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 )
function Script_onMarkerHit ( player )
-- if the marker is a teleport point, proceed
if getElementData ( source, "type" ) == "teleport" then
-- get the owner linked to the "teleport" type marker
local owner = getElementData ( source, "owner" )
-- get the destination point linked to the owner
local destination = getElementData ( owner, "destination" )
-- if the destination point exists, proceed
if destination then
-- get the "destination" marker's position
local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( destination )
-- finally, warp the player there
setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z )
addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), Script_onMarkerHit )
function Script_onPlayerQuit ( reason )
--destroy his teleport point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "teleport" ) )
-- destroy his destination point, if any
destroyElement ( getElementData ( source, "destination" ) )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), Script_onPlayerQuit )

but there is a error in line 4,

the error:

attempt to call a table value

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function Script_onResourceLoad ( resource )
if ( resource == getThisResource() ) then
-- for each player already in the server
for i, player in ipairs getElementsByType ( "player" ) do -- you forgot the "ipairs" part.
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( player, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Script_onResourceLoad )

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ipairs is an iterator function, so brackets are needed:

function Script_onResourceLoad ( resource )
if ( resource == getThisResource() ) then
-- for each player already in the server
for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType ( "player" )) do -- you forgot the ipairs ( brackets ) 
-- binds the "i"-key to our function "modeIO"
bindKey ( player, "i", "down", "modeIO" )
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), Script_onResourceLoad )

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