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maybe somebody can help me?

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you can't.

beethoven, stop responding to people needing help when you clearly don't have a clue what you're doing yourself.

Only answer if you actually know the answer or have something relevant and valid to say. I'm sick of checking the forums and reading shit posts by you that are meaning people's problems arent' getting solved.

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you can't.

beethoven, stop responding to people needing help when you clearly don't have a clue what you're doing yourself.

Only answer if you actually know the answer or have something relevant and valid to say. I'm sick of checking the forums and reading :~ posts by you that are meaning people's problems arent' getting solved.

i am getting sick of that, go swear to your mother, not to 7 year olds.

listen to the text of this song:


do you hear it?


im just trying to socialize.

Better a post with some clues than no post

People are not asking questions to socialize - that's what the NON-MTA>General subforum is for. If you don't know what you're talking about, please just stfu. Willy is completely right. As for the last comment, I've corrected it for you:

Better no post than a post full of useless shit.

Incidentally, I find that, when looking at your posts, like 98% are just that. Shit posts that aren't helping anybody. Nobody's giving a damn about your post counts if they come from spamming, so you might as well just stop whoring for post counts.

By the way... I don't know if you meant this seriously or just suck at making points, but if you're seven years old, you have nothing to do here. You're not even half as old (or as mature) as you're supposed to be to play this game.

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