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*ahem* the official fandanglerific 1000th post topic for me.


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Alright... um.. well, um.. where to start...

MTA has been around for a while now... it's getting more and more popular, which is really cool... even though I'm not a mod yet... :P

I've been on the forums for... let's see... 4 months now, and a lot's changed... mr. bill hit 1000, iggy hit 1000 but didn't have to do a speech... lucky ba--..., and keva's avatar was just cool. but I digress.

New competition sprung up, with GOE, GTAT, and YAMM... all but GTAT and MTA dissapeared (well, YAMM and MTA joined together, so really only GOE dissapeared). But I digress.

MTA has had problems with regulars dissapearing, whining, flamers (except for you warlord. you're a good flamer :)), and too many "MTA suckzorz, thiszorz modzorz r00lzorz!" posts to count. (actually, I think it was something like 20, but I digress). yet the forums have managed to stay well-kempt and fun, and the mod has managed to surpass all the others.

All thanks to a little bit of code that R* forgot to take out (even though the other mods use it too... I guess).

Okay, this is all gibberish. frack... alright, quick and dirty:

MTA rules, the MTA team is the coolest, and the forum kicks.

BLAST V2 is celebrating 50 pages... check 'em out.

and don't forget to go over here and hug your monitor :)

here's to another 5 months for the forum, a good release of MTA, the MTA team, and everyone on the forum who's cool

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oh, ya, and I'm going on vacation starting today, so I'll be gone most of the summer. have fun all!

EDIT: Alright, I delayed it... I was having too much fun with linux. Leaving tommorow. :)

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...

alright, I'm not back... yet, but I do have a computer for the next 20 mins :)


you hit 2000!

yes! still at 4th in posts!

hmm... gone for so short a time, and so much has changed.

*snif* little MTA is all grown up :)

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