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Did development stop or something?

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I know that the developers of MTA have other responibilities and stuf, but, no changes listed in nearly 2 weeks now seems a little bit extreme, so, any news, its not like the devs ain't around, ive sen em on irc and shitz?

Thanks for all the work put into mta so far.

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I was going to start a similar thread when i saw yours. I was wondering too why the changelog was dead since almost 20 days. That's not two weeks but almost 3. Understand me well though... I'm not trying to flame the team at all. I'm just curious about the recent happenings with your awesome mod. I know how 3 weeks could bring major stuff in the change log before. So i am quite eager to ear the news. Although it might possible you guys stumbled on a hardcore bug or something that slowed down things... or maybe you are trying to squeeze in something in the next release... who knows?

Will be waiting to hear from you guys eagerly :)


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