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i guess this is caused by 3 main problems:

- race is still played a lot, the race in DM has too many bugs at the moment to switch over as a race lover

- samp has a really big community, many of the players which were getting bored by race after some time went over to samp. i think that mta works much better but even if you'd create a cola with less sugar and better taste, coca cola would win this battle.

- were still waiting for the mapeditor, i dont want the team to hurry but many mappers like me would love to create maps to show how mta can look like. with lua AND (!!!) the mapeditor theres nearly nothing which is not possible... there will be tousands of ideas gamemodes and maps... ive already created some maps on the race editor but i guess there is somthing big upcomming.

i think it will take some time to get all the players

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