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The walking GTA DayZ! A DayZ server consisting of Multi Theft Auto Game
1.Loots that appear on the ground
2.Inventory system
3.Base system
4.Car panels
5.FPS optimization system
6.Air-firing system
7.51 Arena alarm and loot systems
8.Sometimes extremely fast zombies
9.Zombies that appear on the roads or in loot areas
10.Nice textures
11.Appearance selection panel - F9
12.Information panel - F9
13.Base system / Base with gated access
14.Series copy panel - F1
15.Helmet armor first aid kit bullets weapon loot
16.Group systems and panel - F2
17.Discord Server copy panel - F10
18.Vehicle usage
19.Best cars / BEST VEHICLES
20.Vehicle speedometer KM/H
21.Death texts (shaking system)
22.F11 loot points hospital points
23.Vehicle Mods
24.Vehicle crash objects on the map
25.You will spawn with a bag when you die
26.There is a GAME/CHARACTER selection panel on the main screen and there is music
27.There is a Loading Screen with a song
28.There is a Radio button that opens with R
29.Vehicle does not explode when they fall upside down
30.Health Humanity helmet armor huds
32.F5 Debug Monitor
33.F7 Interface
34.Other Boxes
35.Base blips that appear in F11
Walking GTA Discord: https://discord.gg/krneYDVujf
IP mtasa://


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