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Some questions.


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Hello, I have some questions about scripting MTA.

First, what is the difference between Server functions and Client functions? And when to use them? Currently I'm using Server functions only.

Second, I'm trying to make ammunation script like this:

But how to change the camera position to view every weapon by pressing left and right arrow?

And how to make the player able to buy the selected weapon?

Also how to cancel the player from buying weapons, for example press 'Enter'.

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2 hours ago, Stalker157 said:

Hello, I have some questions about scripting MTA.

First, what is the difference between Server functions and Client functions? And when to use them? Currently I'm using Server functions only.

Second, I'm trying to make ammunation script like this:

But how to change the camera position to view every weapon by pressing left and right arrow?

And how to make the player able to buy the selected weapon?

Also how to cancel the player from buying weapons, for example press 'Enter'.

1. But how to change the camera position to view every weapon by pressing left and right arrow?
setCameraMatrix + render + interpolateBetween

2. And how to make the player able to buy the selected weapon?
When click left or right, save cur num weapon

local curWeapon = 1
function onKey(key)
  if key == "arrow_left" then
    curWeapon = curWeapon - 1
	moveCamera ()
  elseif key == "arrow_right" then
    curWeapon = curWeapon + 1
	moveCamera ()
  elseif key == "enter" then
    buyWeapon ()
addEventHandler ("onClientKey", root, onKey)

function moveCamera ()

function buyWeapon ()

3. Also how to cancel the player from buying weapons, for example press 'Enter'.

onClientKey + check, if window error showing then when press 'Enter' - window close, else buyWeapon

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6 hours ago, Stalker157 said:

First, what is the difference between Server functions and Client functions? And when to use them? Currently I'm using Server functions only.

First of all, it important to understand there is serverside and there is clientside.

Serverside is running on the server application, or just call it the server. This is where all players connect to in order to player the game together.

MTA San Andreas 1.5\server\MTA Server.exe

Here are server functions available.


Clientside in running on each game application. It is literally the MTA game.

MTA San Andreas 1.5\Multi Theft Auto.exe

Keep in mind that there can multiple clientsides. For each connected player there is a clientside. The data between those clientsides is not shared.

Here are client functions available.


The reason why some function are not available on the other side is many because of security restrictions. You do not want to grant all players the rights to be able to ban each other, only the server should be able to ban a player.

And some functions are just not so useful at the other side, like drawing an image just 1 frame on your screen. Imagine having server doing that every frame, your internet will just die.

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Now I've managed to bind the key "F" to the marker I have made in ammu-nation

local Marker1 = createMarker(295.70001, -38.2, 1000.6, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 0)
setElementInterior(Marker1, 1)

function MarkerHit(player)
if getElementType(player) == "player" and source == Marker1 then

bindKey(player, "f", "down", camera)
outputChatBox("Press F to buy weapons", player)

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit)

function MarkerLeave(player)
if getElementType(player) == "player" and source == Marker1 then
unbindKey(player, "f", "down", camera)
addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", getRootElement(), MarkerLeave)

function camera(player, key, keyState)
setCameraMatrix(player, 293.10001, -39.8, 1002.8, 293.10001 , -41.8, 1002.8)

Now I want to know how to make the camera move from an object to another one using "Left" and "Right" arrow.

The places I want the camera goes to

setCameraMatrix(293.10001, -39.8, 1002.8, 293.10001, -41.8, 1002.8)
setCameraMatrix(293, -39.8, 1002.4, 293, -41.8, 1002.4)
setCameraMatrix(293, -39.8, 1002, 293, -41.8, 1002)
setCameraMatrix(293.79999, -39.83, 1002.7, 293.79999, -41.83, 1002.7)
setCameraMatrix(293.79999, -39.8, 1002.3, 293.79999, -41.8, 1002.3)
setCameraMatrix(293.79999, -39.83, 1001.95, 293.79999, -41.83, 1001.95)
setCameraMatrix(295, -39.8, 1002.05, 295, -41.8, 1002.05)
setCameraMatrix(294.89999, -39.8, 1002.33, 294.89999, -41.8, 1002.33)
setCameraMatrix(294.89999, -39.8, 1002.81, 294.89999, -41.8, 1002.81)
setCameraMatrix(296.29999, -39.8, 1002.53, 296.29999, -41.8, 1002.53)
setCameraMatrix(296.29999, -39.8, 1002, 296.29999, -41.8, 1002)
setCameraMatrix(297.89999, -39.8, 1002.6, 297.89999, -41.8, 1002.6)
setCameraMatrix(297.89999, -39.8, 1002.1, 297.89999, -41.8, 1002.1)
setCameraMatrix(299.39999, -39.6, 1002.4, 299.39999, -41.6, 1002.4)
setCameraMatrix(298.29999, -36.4, 1001.8, 298.29999, -38.4, 1001.8)
setCameraMatrix(297.39999, -37, 1001.84, 297.39999, -39, 1001.84)
setCameraMatrix(296.70001, -37.04, 1001.6, 296.70001, -39.04, 1001.6)
setCameraMatrix(296.39999, -37.04, 1001.577, 296.39999, -39.04, 1001.577)
setCameraMatrix(293.20001, -37, 1001.6, 293.20001, -39, 1001.6)
setCameraMatrix(293.60001, -37, 1001.7, 293.60001, -39, 1001.7)
setCameraMatrix(294.20001, -37, 1001.635, 294.20001, -39, 1001.635)

And can anyone explain these?


1. But how to change the camera position to view every weapon by pressing left and right arrow?
setCameraMatrix + render + interpolateBetween

2. And how to make the player able to buy the selected weapon?
When click left or right, save cur num weapon


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